Instagram censors teen ‘detransitioner’

Instagram censors teen 'detransitioner'Peter LaBarbera – As if Americans needed any more evidence of the heavy hand and left-wing bias of Big Tech social media corporations, Instagram Saturday restricted the account of Chloe Cole, the world’s most famous young “detransitioner,” reportedly claiming her bio “encourages violence.”

Cole’s bio on Instagram, which is owned by Meta’s Facebook, reads: “chooocole, Chloe Cole, 19, female (XX), former trans kid, started T [testosterone] & [puberty] blockers at 13, Double Mastectomy at 15, detransed at 16,”

The Instagram notice to Cole reads: “Your account can’t be shown to non-followers … Your account activity may not follow our Recommendations Guidelines…What this means: Your account and content won’t appear in places like Explore, Search, Suggested Users, Reels and Feed Recommendations,” according to an X posting by PragerU CEO Marissa Streit.

In an X post Saturday, Cole said, “Facebook has notified me that my [Instagram] bio is too ‘violent’ …. If you think reading it is violent, imagine actually living through all that.” Cole underwent a double mastectomy of her healthy breasts at age 15, claiming she was rushed into that and other extreme transgender procedures by doctors and therapists given over to trans ideology, whom she now describes as “butchers and liars.”

“It has ruined my life and I will never be the same. I will never get those years that I was supposed to be growing and thriving back,” she said at an Aug. 29 speech in California, which she posted to her Instagram account.

The bold yet winsome Cole has gained a huge following and immense respect from critics of what sexual leftists euphemistically refer to as (trans-) “gender-affirming care.” Despite pro-LGBT activists’ protestations to the contrary, transgender “medicine” has pushed thousands of children like her across the Western world into undergoing cross-sex “surgeries” and hormone “therapies” that do permanent damage to their bodies. This has led to a worldwide blowback with several European nations banning trans procedures on youth and a spate of opposition legislation in dozens of U.S. states.

SF Source WND Sep 2023

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