Intuitive Astrology Forecast November 2023

Intuitive Astrology Forecast November 2023Tanaaz – We begin November on the coattails of the October 28 Taurus Lunar Eclipse. The energies of this powerful Eclipse will be in play all through November, but will begin to fade as we begin a new lunar cycle with the Scorpio New Moon on November 13.

Eclipses are always a highly transformative time, so there is no doubt that the first few weeks of November may see you navigating change and upheaval. Your life may look different than it did a month or even a week ago, so be patient with yourself and gentle with the process.

Eclipses always put us where we need to be, even if it may not feel that way at first. This Taurus Lunar Eclipse was also the last in a cycle we have been working with since November 2021, so this is a big cycle of energy that has come to a close. Give yourself time and space to digest all that has unfolded.

As we move through the month, Mars, the fiery planet, is very active. When Mars is active, things tend to get heated and passionate. We can feel a little more charged up than usual, which is wonderful for getting things done, feeling motivated, and finding the confidence needed to take some leaps of faith.

Mars energy however, can also act as fuel to the flames. So, if you do have a heated situation going on in your life, Mars’ presence can tip things into overdrive. The good news with Mars is that things often get heated quickly, but cooled down fast. So if tensions do rise up, chances are resolution and ease will be quick to follow.

In mythology, Mars was often depicted ferociously riding a horse and chariot through town, on its way to war. However, there is a deeper meaning here that is worth investigating. The two horses that would guide the chariot of Mars were called Phobos and Deimos- meaning fear and panic.

As the God of War, Mars was known for bringing fear and panic to its enemies, but if we look deeper at this symbolism, we can see that if Mars didn’t take control of fear and panic, they would ride him and direct the course of his chariot, instead, Mars has to step up and takes charge of “fear and panic” to direct his chariot the way he wants to go. And this is the same for us.

Fear is part of all of our lives, and perhaps even at times, panic too. We can let it direct the course of our lives if we allow it, or we can acknowledge it, own it, and then use it as fuel to direct our own chariots.

Let’s now take a look at some of the key astrological transits for the month of November –

If you want to keep up to date with the astrological happenings, get your Moon Calendar for 2024! It contains dates for the Full Moons, New Moons, Eclipses, Retrogrades, and so much more! Check here for more info.

November Astrology 2023

November 3- Sun Opposite Jupiter

The Scorpio Sun moves directly opposite Jupiter in Taurus, creating a bridge of high frequency, abundant energy. While the Eclipse energies will still be strong, this is a good time to practice gratitude and honor all of the abundance in your life.

Jupiter is the planet of expansion, so it’s a good time to focus on what you wish to expand in your life. Sometimes, Jupiter can also expand a situation we are dealing with, guiding us to see more of the truth and hopefully, a more detailed path to a solution.

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SF Source Forever Conscious Oct 2023

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