Intuitive Astrology: Scorpio New Moon November 2023

Intuitive Astrology: Scorpio New Moon November 2023Tanaaz – The November 13th Scorpio New Moon has deep, tangled webs of energy that will stretch into the darkest parts of our soul and psyche.

What is wrong? What is right? What is the way? These probing philosophical questions will dance across our minds under the November Dark Moon, guiding us to take the journey into the labyrinth of our being.

We are being called to look deeper, to feel deeper, and most importantly – to question. We must question the narratives we are being told and the narratives we are telling ourselves; we must think for ourselves.

In fact, in its essence, that is what the Scorpio New Moon offers us. It wants us to think for ourselves, to figure out what we want to do and where we want to go, without the influence of others, society, or the fears of what others may think.

This New Moon is all about owning our own path and being true and authentic to ourselves. It wants us to march to the beat of our own drum, regardless of what tunes others are playing.

Doing so takes confidence; it takes courage, but it also takes knowing thyself, and while this can be a life-long journey of exploration, the Scorpio New Moon will be assisting us in revealing a truer, deeper version of ourselves.

As the night sky is the darkest it will be all month, use it as a symbol to journey in to yourself. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, put your hand on your heart, and ask yourself- What am I feeling right now?

A simple practice like this one can help you to connect with your spirit, your body, and your mind. Don’t complicate it; don’t overthink. Just spend some time connecting with You and watch how your authentic self begins to speak. Watch how your inner wisdom and intuitive self begin to take over.

Uranus, the planet of awakening and surprise, is active under this November New Moon, adding to the energies we will be feeling.

When we are feeling extra sensitive, like we might be under this New Moon, Uranus’ energy can sometimes make us feel a sense of anxiety. Things can feel erratic and a little unstable, and our lives can be prone to change and upheaval.

Uranus can upset the status quo of our lives to get us thinking bigger, and exploring broader ideas. Uranus likes to shake us and shake up things in our lives to trigger an awakening, and to expand our ideas of life and everything in it.

Uranus’ energy also favors stepping outside of the box, trying something innovative or left-of-field, and not being so rigid with our ideas.

Take a moment to look at any rigid beliefs you may be holding. How can you turn them upside down, loosen them, or keep them flexible? How can you look at things in a new way?

Uranus doesn’t like to follow the rules; its energy is unpredictable, but it keeps things interesting and keeps us in awe of this life journey and what it has in store for us.

Embrace some of this Uranian energy by giving yourself permission to think bigger, to explore wider, and to take a step outside the box.

Don’t be locked into the ideas of others or what society or culture tells you. You are being called to lift the veil, and seek a new and higher truth. You are being called to look at alternatives and not ignore the inner voice that is waiting to speak with you.

Neptune is also active under this New Moon, which indicates that perhaps a veil will be lifted on the world stage too. Perhaps new information or insights come about that shine a light on a higher truth. Secrets may be exposed, or we may find that what we believe to be true is no longer.

Our beliefs, ideas, and what we deem to be our authentic self, is always growing, always evolving, always reaching new and higher states of consciousness. And that is the journey of life. What is true for us today may not be true for us tomorrow.

So, we keep doing the best we can while loving ourselves, loving one another, and trying not to judge the journey.

New Moon Blessings to you.

SF Source Forever Conscious Nov 2023

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