Celebrate Thanksgiving Every Day

As you enter this holiday season, so filled with promise and joy, we give thanks and celebrate YOU for your courage to be on Earth during this challenging time of the Great Shift of the Ages as you move through the transition from the old way to the new. For as the old way is being dismantled and passing away, you are being given opportunities to release whatever distractions have kept you from remembering your True Identity as an aspect of Mother/Father God on Earth. – The Council of Ascended Masters

gratitudeSharon Rose – When presented with these challenges, it is easy to lose sight of where you are going and the Divine sacred mission, your life’s purpose, you have come to fulfill and your new glorious future.

Whether you have just lost your home and possessions to fire, had your car washed away in a flood, or lost your loved one or business and your means to support yourself, or experience the breakdown of your health and your ability to care for yourself, this is the time to remember you are a blessed child of God and you have inherited the same abilities to re-create your life anew, just as your Divine Creator has created your body, planets & universes.

Now is the time to exercise your God-given abilities to re-create your life that brings you joy, which will realign you with your True Self and the truly unlimited life you have come to live. For in your 3rd dimensional world, you can get caught up in all the many distractions that would keep you from remembering your sacred identity and what is truly important living the life of your highest destiny that becomes a living demonstration of possibility for all those around you.

You have all come to walk the Earth as living Masters, no exceptions. So when you see fires blazing in your community or whatever the disaster is on the news, shift your perspective to your unlimited Divine Self beyond whatever is occurring, so you can remember it is a giant wake-up call to allow you to move beyond whatever distractions have kept you from living as the Presence of Mother/Father God in physical form. For we will tell you how wonderful the 3rd dimension distractions might seem, they are fool’s gold compared to the Real Gold within you that is just waiting to be realized.

To accelerate this wake-up for humanity, there are great streams of Love and Light that are continually being released from the heavenly realms that are shining Light into all the dark corners and sending Love where there was none that brings up everything unlike Love to the surface to be released. Just as when you turn the light switch on in a darkened room, all of a sudden you see all the areas of darkness that need to be cleared. A Time of Cleansing always precedes the Time of Awakening.

When you were still in the heavenly realm before entering the physical plane, you asked us to shake you up or do whatever it takes to wake you up if you should ever forget Who You Are and Your Sacred Mission of what you have come to contribute. We made an agreement with you that we would do whatever is necessary and we would even use a two-by-four if that’s what it takes to get your attention. For we are here to support you in realizing your unlimited God Self and actualizing your highest destiny and receiving your full spiritual inheritance.

You were never designed to live in pain, dis-ease, conflict, poverty or lack. That is a human mis-creation. We are coming forth to remind you that you have the unlimited Presence of God within you and the ability to re-create your live anew that brings you joy. For the Presence of God is perpetual Peace, Harmony, Love, EnLightenment, Empowerment, Abundance and Joy.

How do you make this all-powerful shift from chaos to creation?

By choosing to focus on Gratitude. Give thanks for the priceless gift of Life and for the Life-force energy of your Divine Creator flowing through you. Give thanks for your perfectly-designed body that was pre-programmed for radiant health, vibrant energy and longevity. Give thanks for the Love and nurturing guidance that is present always as you raise your focus to the Presence of God within you. Give thanks for the friends and loved ones who bless your life with their Presence.

It all starts with gratitude. Give thanks for all the blessings, people, things and events that you take for granted. Everything you are so abundantly given by Mother Nature and your beloved Earth. As you do this, you literally shift your vibration. And you connect with the unlimited wisdom of your own God Self, the wise solutions that can shift your circumstances and reality will begin to be downloaded into your awareness.

It all begins with Gratitude. And as you begin to feel the Joy that you are not alone and are being lovingly guided step by step into a glorious new future, then add Joy to your Gratitude. And you have now found the powerful Secret to creating a life that brings you Joy and more things to be grateful for.

Do not underestimate the power of Gratitude and Joy, for together they transform and have the power to completely change your life. This is the key to the future of your heartfelt desires.

We want you to know there are not enough words to adequately express our gratitude for each of you and your presence on Earth at this most important time in your history. As we witness you shining your Light and sharing your Love and Compassion with all those around you and the world, collectively you are giving birth to a New Earth and a new Golden Age of Freedom. We join all those in Heaven to say thank you for being one of the Rememberers and doing your part to be a living demonstration for so many others to awaken.

We are showering you with our Gratitude, Joy, Love and Light this day and every day. Please join with us in making every day Thanksgiving.

SF Source Walk the Earth as a Living Master Nov 2018

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