Wrapping Up Suppression Of Harmonics By The Catholic Church, Part 3

“But while an honest look at European history seemed to explain how and why harmonic principles had disappeared from Western religion, it still did not answer why science, as the presumed pillar of empirical truth in the world, did not eventually return to harmonic science as a unifying field of study. So I dug a little deeper and here is what I found.” – R Merrick

The anti-harmonic campaign

Music_NotesSpectrum“During the run up to The Enlightenment in the late 17th and 18th centuries the ‘scientific method’ had actually been designed to discourage the study of harmonics and its corresponding natural philosophy known as musica universalis.

“I learned that the exclusion of music and pagan harmonic principles from modern science was first suggested in a letter from the astronomer Galileo to his daughter, apparently prompted by his inner conflict of faith and understandable desire to avoid torture and imprisonment by the Italian Inquisition.

“Supported by Newton, Descartes and others who also wished to find a way to coexist with the Church during this period, the separation of harmonic study away from mathematics and science into ‘the humanities’ became more and more institutionalized as the scientific method became universally accepted. In time, new generations forgot all about harmonics as a unifying property in nature – even taking up the cause of science to discredit any remaining harmonic theories as ‘smelling of the pulpit’ (a twist of irony).

“In the early 20th century, this anti-harmonic campaign reached its zenith in the Michelson-Morley experiment ‘proving’ that space was an empty void with no intrinsic structure or measurable effect on matter. This belief was quickly accepted as the cornerstone of 20th century scientific thought and education, elevating Darwin’s theory of natural selection (with the occasional accidental mutation) as the sole explanation for why life takes the forms it does. Only in recent years has this experiment been shown to be misleading and even false by much more sophisticated instruments indicating space does have a measurable effect on matter.”

I hope you found Richard Merrick’s ideas on the suppression of information about music fascinating as did I!  You can learn more here http://www.interferencetheory.com/

SF Source JillsWingsOfLight  Sept 2 2014

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