The image and likeness of love

darknessThe Angels – You are nothing less than love itself. You are fashioned in the image and likeness of God, not in terms of your physical appearance, but in terms of your energy. You are made of pure love. Everything in you wishes to be the best and most loving person you can be. Everything in you wants to live in harmony with others. Everything in you wishes to create something more.

Unhappiness only arises when the flow of love is blocked. Anger, upset, and frustration arise when you block yourself from the experience and energy of love. Note that we say block yourself, for in truth you cannot control the world or anyone else in it. You can’t keep people from being unkind or unloving, but you can choose to love and care for yourself no matter what. You can choose to join others in their dance of anger, upset, and darkness, or you can choose to remain in your love, joy, and light.

You always have the power to remain present “in the image and likeness of love” or to fall away from your true nature.

It is of great importance, no matter what the world does or says, to remind yourself that you are made “in the image and likeness of love.” It is important to remind yourself often:

“I am a creation of love. I am one with Love. Nothing anyone can say or do can sway me from the truth of who and what I am. I will return beauty for ashes, truth for lies, light for darkness. I will not let the world pull me away from my center, my truth, my joy, or my loving nature.”

In the energy of love, the energy of the world’s unkindness cannot harm you. If you choose to love yourself even when others don’t, then they cannot diminish you. If you choose to bear internal witness to the light within another, even when all they show is their darkness and misunderstanding, they will realize they cannot drag you into their sad reality and after a few more attempts, will leave you alone. Their behavior will no longer sway your from your loving center.

Love is your greatest power, your greatest weapon against the darkness, and your greatest protection.

If you have let someone’s darkness infiltrate your psyche, immediately begin to practice love and compassion for yourself. For example, say you are hot and bothered about someone’s behavior that you found quite upsetting. If you try to correct them, you are acknowledging their darkness. If you hate them or fight with them you are joining them in their darkness. If you blame them, you are giving their darkness power of your light. So what to do?

Start by shifting your thoughts towards greater truth…

I am upset about how they behaved.
It was hurtful. I wish they’d change
However, I can’t change anyone.
Their words or behaviors mean nothing about me.
Then dive into greater truth…

I am upset at them, because I allowed them to sway me from my light.
I guess I’m really upset at myself for letting them.
Their behavior is about them.
Their behavior says nothing about me.
I am no longer going to give away my power to be happy.
I am no longer going to let their darkness sway me from my light!
I have a right to feel good about myself, even if they do not.
I have a right to my choices, even if they don’t like them.
I have a right to be happy even if they are not.
Now that feels better…

Then, if you can try this…

Next time they try to aim their darkness at me, I think I’ll focus on amplifying that tiny spark of light in their heart.

I think I’ll remain silent.
I’ll take kind, firm, appropriate corrective action and ignore the rest!
I will let their words pass through me.
I won’t give their behaviors power over my joy.
Their darkness means nothing to me.
That is their business.
I am going to focus on my light, my joy, my happy life!
And if you really want to grow and remain in Divine Power…

I see who they are even when they do not.
I know that their soul is seeking love and they are just not aware of it.
I feel sad that they don’t know they’re loved.
I am not going to join them.
I’m going to avoid being around them when possible.
But I do have compassion for their dark, lonely, miserable, angry reality. How sad.
I think I’ll pray for them.

In this fashion dear ones, you remain happily situated in Divine Perfection, aware that you are indeed made “in the image and likeness of Love.”

SF Source Visions of Heaven May 2018

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