“Mass Formation Psychosis” under Fake News Attack

Mark Patricks – “Check the credibility of your sources.” That was my father-in-law’s retort after my wife and I told him to just check out the conversation between Joe Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone.

I told you yesterday, we got into a heated back and forth with my in-laws…

…through text messaging…

So, of course, it was not the most productive conversation.

As I’ve told you before, I believe the recent conversations with Malone and McCullough on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast are very useful tools for getting blue-pilled people in your life to reconsider what the hell is actually happening around the world when it comes to the virus, the vaccine, the government response, and the “public-private” partnerships that have formed to “end the pandemic.”

I think the episode with journalist Alex Berenson is useful as well.


It took my father-in-law all of one minute to find a recently published hit piece from the Associated Press calling Mass Formation Psychosis as described by Malone an “unfounded theory” that falls in the same category of “discredited concepts” such as “group think” and “mob mentality.”

*eye roll*

OF COURSE, the AP – better known as Accomplished Propagandists – wrote an article dismissing the idea of mass formation almost immediately after Malone was on with Rogan. The AP was on the frontlines of publishing one sensationalist, fear-mongering Agitprop article after another.

The entire article attacking mass formation psychosis is one big “Experts Say…” hit piece.

It doesn’t consider what mass formation is and look at the evidence of its existence.

It just quotes a handful of psychologists who say “there’s no evidence for it” or my favorite, “the concept has no academic credibility.”

Well, there you have it.

Totally, completely debunked.


No, it wasn’t.

You can listen to how the originator of the term, Dr. Mattias Desmet, describes it, and look at the evidence in our society, and see for yourself if it matches up.

News alert for AP:

The mass formation psychosis theory sounds pretty damn coherent.

When people are locking children in the trunk of their car, standing for hours in the cold to get a covid test without symptoms after seeing family members, screaming at unmasked joggers outside, attacking unmasked passengers on flights, arresting unmasked beachgoers, forcing family to be vaccinated before seeing newborns, covering jungle gyms in public parks with yellow caution tape, believing that a respiratory virus with a 99.9% survival could virtually kill anyone that gets it and the ONLY way to survive is to take a brand-new pharma product using new technology that was rushed into development from multiple companies known for lying about the safety and efficacy of their products…

You can be certain they’re not acting in a “sane” way.

You might even say these people are suffering from a form of “psychosis.”

And when this phenomenon occurs in large groups…


You might call it a “mass formation” of this psychosis.

But hey, what do I know?

I didn’t wear a full hazmat suit to go grocery shopping, so I’m probably the crazy one.

What’s my point with all this?

You can’t open anyone’s mind.

They have to open it themselves.

Don’t waste your time beating people over the head with all your facts and knowledge and evidence.

They don’t care.

SF Source Counter Markets Jan 2022

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