And the little worm squirmed – will not debate

“Peter, if you claim what RFK Jr. is saying is misinformation, I am offering you $100,000 to the charity of your choice to debate him on my show with no time limit.”

And the little worm squirmed.Fed Up Texas Chick – And the little worm squirmed.

The worm I am referring to is Dr. Peter Hotez, and the quote above is from Joe Rogan. At the writing of this article, Joe Rogan’s challenge to Hotez has been viewed over 25 million times on Twitter. The offer money is being crowdsourced and is up to a pot of $2.6 million thus far. Apparently, lots of folks want to see this debate.

It all started with a long three-hour podcast interview by Joe Rogan of guest Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has done incredible work with the Children’s Health Defense and is an outspoken opponent of vaccines. If you didn’t catch that podcast, here it is in all its unedited glory. Continue reading

If you don’t like something you hear, don’t listen

RoganLionel – The inimitable and ineffable Mr. Rogan. Please tell me how CSNY or any musical acts for that matter are gaining favor with significant portions of the anti-Rogan contingent such that pulling catalogs from Spotify makes any commercial sense whatsoever. Joe Rogan became the lightning rod and fly paper for every two-bit reactionary lunatic activist wannabe.

Vaccination policy today enjoys a breathtaking incoherence and detachment from anything remotely tethered to reality. It is fueled by 100% high octane anger. Nothing more. Social media platforms encourage the group rant rave and disconnected bursts of psychobabble acting as camouflage for deep-seated psychosocial pathology and self-loathing. It’s not the cause. It’s the volume. It’s what we’ve become. Synchronized idiocy. Choreographed lunacy. Continue reading

Is Pfizer Behind Neil Young’s Decision To Cancel Joe Rogan?

vaccineNiamh Harris – Neil Young, in case you hadn’t heard, recently pulled his music from Spotify after the music streaming giant refused to bow to his demands and remove Joe Rogan from their platform for spreading alleged dangerous covid “misinformation.”

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) even sided with the singer over his stance.

But why would Neil Young be so bothered about somebody discussing covid, the jabs and alternative medications during a Spotify podcast….. or could it be that there was another reason for his decision? Continue reading

“Mass Formation Psychosis” under Fake News Attack

Mark Patricks – “Check the credibility of your sources.” That was my father-in-law’s retort after my wife and I told him to just check out the conversation between Joe Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone.

I told you yesterday, we got into a heated back and forth with my in-laws…

…through text messaging…

So, of course, it was not the most productive conversation. Continue reading

Joe Rogan Defends Using Ivermectin to cure COVID

RoganFreedom Beacon – World-famous podcast host Joe Rogan has hit out at the left-wing media after he was accused of taking a “horse dewormer” as treatment when he recently became infected by COVID-19.

Rogan dispelled the obviously untrue claim during Tuesday’s episode of The Joe Rogan Experience podcast, describing how he was prescribed ivermectin – the drug that CNN and others claimed was a drug for animals – by a doctor.

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