McConnell Decides to Support Resolution Condemning the House Impeachment Inquiry

impeachmentCassandra Fairbanks – Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is throwing his support behind a resolution that condemns the House impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.

Senator Graham’s press office sent out a statement on Thursday saying that they would be introducing a “Graham-McConnell” resolution later that day that will condemn the House of Representatives “closed door, illegitimate impeachment inquiry.”

McConnell told reporters “obviously I support it,” according to a report from The Hill.

The resolution, if passed, will put the Senate on record condemning the House and formalize their opposition.

“Overturning the results of an American election requires the highest level of fairness and due process, as it strikes at the core of our democratic process,” McConnell recently tweeted. “So far, the House has fallen far short by failing to follow the same basic procedures that it has followed for every other President in our history.”

McConnell had faced backlash in September for telling CNBC that he would have “no choice” but to take up the sham impeachment efforts in the US Senate if Democrats impeached the president in the US House.

Under the Senate rules we’re required to take it up … I would have no choice but to take it up. How long we’re on it is a whole different matter.”

SF Source The Gateway Pundit Oct 2019

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