Monthly Astro-Forecasts April 2023

Monthly Astro-Forecasts April 2023.Sarah-Jane Grace – Letting go and letting love both continue to take center stage throughout April as we each find ways to lighten the load we carry and allow the space created to remain filled with love, possibility, and light.

When we create space in our lives, we so often rush to fill it up again; it’s as though space is something that needs to be occupied, but it really isn’t. Space is an opportunity to rest, re-centre and breathe deeply. Space gives each of us a chance to look at the bigger picture and to regain perspective and clarity.

Space is a gift to be treasured as it allows us to look beyond the four walls of our everyday lives in order to see more clearly; when we truly look, we see, we hear, we notice and the world shifts from monotone hues to a kaleidoscope of color, sounds and energies.

It’s so easy to go through life on autopilot, feeling disconnected from the world, and from ourselves. We often feel like we don’t have the time to pause and take notice of our connections to others, to the planet, or the universe. As a result, we can feel isolated, alone, and unable to breathe freely as life feels heavy and burdensome. Yet, when we let go and create space (even just a small amount), we allow ourselves the time to breathe more freely and connect to life once again.

Watching a tree change from season to season can invoke a plethora of different emotions from a sense of new life in the spring when leaves grow and buds form, to a quietening down after the leaves have fallen and the trees go into their wintry slumber.

Animals, plants and trees move from season to season with an acceptance of the cycle of life: they adapt, and they often find new ways of thriving even when they face adversity and hard times.

When we allow space in our lives, we become a more conscious part of life and we find our own cycles and seasons. It can be hard, particularly when living in a concrete jungle, to feel connected to trees, birds or the planet, but there’s always something natural around – even the sky, a solitary tree…

We so often create blocks in the natural flow by living in tree-less cities where an awareness of the natural cycles fade into the background. Although we may be an adaptable species and find new ways of living and being as life goes on, but there is a deeper sense of disconnection forging in the hearts and souls of so many as we break away from the natural cycles and flows of life.

This is why creating space is so important as we need the space to breathe. There is nothing to do, just a space to be. This can be hard to comprehend as we are all so used to living in an interconnected, 24/7 world with a stream of constant stimulation and busy-ness. As a result, we just don’t see the world around us so we don’t notice the leaves of the trees changing colour and we can’t hear the whispers of the majestic forests. We are an integral part of life, and it’s time to re-connect and become one with it again.

If we continue to live segregated lives, we might think we can outsmart and outwit the natural cycles with technology and science, but we cannot live an enriching life when juxtaposed with the natural flow of things.

This juxtaposition can lead to further disconnection and discord, leading to increased isolation. It’s so important now to stand strongly in the light and to connect wholeheartedly with life. Hold out a hand to others in need, keep love in our hearts and deepen the bond with nature (and the seasons) once again.

We each need to become more aware of the changing patterns rising up from deep within as life is changing whether we want it to or not. The more willing we become to step more consciously into each and every moment as we tenderly embrace the space, we create a shift within our hearts and souls as the sharp edges of life become softer and we connect more intuitively to the world.

Something as simple as acknowledging the spaces in life brings through a powerful energy of possibility, particularly when we don’t strive to fill that space with more things to do, people to see and places to go.

The time to charge through life is behind us as we stand softly in our power and let love and compassion flow freely; this has an osmosis effect as it will filter out and, like a leaf in the wind, will be carried across time and space touching hearts and souls as it goes. When we breathe deeply into life, we know that somewhere that breath will be breathed in again as every action has a consequence.

When we pause in the spaces we create, we notice the bigger picture and the finer details; we feel more alive and connected than ever before, and we can find clarity and peace amongst the ebb and flow of life. Letting go takes courage and strength, and it means something different to every soul, but the need to let go grows now as we each feel the call to travel more lightly through life…

For now, and as always, I wish you all kinds of wonderful.

Continue reading (each sign April 2023)

With love, Sarah-Jane

Sarah-Jane Grace
Copyright © 2006-2023 Sarah-Jane Grace. All Rights Reserved

SF Source Spirit Library Apr 2023

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