The Codes Of Creation | Advancing Beyond “Limitation” [Video]

Jason Shurka (JS) interviews Robert Edward Grant (REG) on the fascinating postulate that life, as we live it, may be an advanced simulation. The excerpt transcribed below offers insight into taken-for-granted structured taxonomies, and how these interconnect to form what we experience as “reality.”  – G

Well worth a listen!

REG: There’s a limit on our speed of perception that relates to our limit of focus of observation. That limit is the speed of light.

So really, we’re calling it the speed of light but it’s the speed of our perception.

JS: That’s the Paradigm Shift we’re having here. That’s a major paradigm shift because then you could say “well, what if we lived in a VR game (virtual reality game).

REG: “You’d have a limit because [local realism construction] takes a while.”

[For example,] If “local realism” is false then what’s behind me that I can’t see may not be there.

JS: It’s just a wave of potential, right?

REG: In quantum physics yeah. Yeah.

So, in order for me not to cheat the game or to cheat the system there needs to be a limit on the speed of perception, and the speed of perception allows for the thing behind me to render as I’m turning around to observe it.

JS: So this goes to the … When You Observe And You Don’t Observe … double slit phenomenon.

REG: Yes. Yes, this is connected to that. Yep. It’s exactly what it’s connected to. So the architecture of the game allows for the game to render itself according to your thoughts of perception because you get in this world what you expected you were going to get.

We’re literally looking through a continual lens of observation bias and we don’t even know it.

JS: I’m going to ask you a really big question right now. You believe the human being as the human being has the potential to break that game?

REG: Yes

JS: How?

REG: Um, it can … there are still certain limits within the construct, even in higher dimension. But, as you expand [into] higher dimension you can … you can think thoughts and you can render those thoughts instantaneously right as you break through these different layers of consciousness.

You don’t have to do it independent. So, in other words, as you start to transcend beyond duality … Okay, you break yourself. It’s almost like Yoda said. You must unlearn what you have learned.

JS: Can we call ‘Duality’ local reality as well?

REG: Yeah. In many ways it’s connected.

JS: So, it’s not a coincidence that the world’s going through a global Awakening spiritually and then now all of a sudden science is mirroring that reality?

REG: Yes, [science is mirroring] by saying that local realism is dead. So, if local realism is dead then all science as we know it is turned upside down. Everything. Because they’re …

REG: It’s not like biology exists without physics. Physics is just what underlies biology. So, it starts with mathematics. Applied Mathematics is geometry. Applied geometry is physics. Applied Physics is chemistry. Applied chemistry is biology (biological systems).

Applied Biology becomes psychology, biological systems now working in a psychological way – [in] communication with each other, then collectively. We call that sociology because it’s applied psychology.

Applied sociology then comes to a philosophical realm that we call philosophy. Applied philosophy comes back to mathematics which is really the simplicity of ratio. And it keeps going in that … in that cycle exactly.

So what we’re doing here is we’re going through these experiences so that we can learn more Who We Are and remember why we’re here, what we chose to learn and experience.

Hat tip, Sally W.

SF Source Jason Shurka Apr 2023

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