Morty Lefkoe ~ My Cancer Has Spread To My Liver; Even That Has No Meaning

LefkoeInstitute April 8 2014

MortyLefkoeSince my post a couple of weeks ago describing how I wasn’t giving meaning to my colon cancer diagnosis, there have been several new developments.

I told you that I was scheduled for surgery to remove the cancer in my colon.  I wrote: “I also learned that if the cancer had not spread beyond the lining of the colon and if it was removed surgically, the problem would be totally solved.  If it had spread to other organs, then the prognosis could be serious.”  (See my earlier post for more details:

Well, it appears that the radiologist, who initially read my CT scan and thought the spot on my liver was only a benign cyst, had made a mistake.  Another radiologist looked at my CT scan just before my surgery and told my oncologist, Jennifer Lucus, that he was pretty sure the mass on my liver was cancer.  Jen immediately cancelled the surgery and called me to let me know.  And when I was given the new diagnosis, I continued to have no reaction because I gave that diagnosis no more meaning than my earlier diagnoses.

A liver biopsy was next

To get more information on the “probable” liver cancer, Jen ordered a biopsy of the mass on my liver.  They are still doing additional pathology tests, but they are now certain that it is cancer.

As a result of this new information, my oncologist has decided to give me chemotherapy, a cocktail of drugs call FOLFOX.  I will be starting this week.  Again, this new information resulted in no reaction.

Just so you have all the relevant details, I also work with an incredible Chinese medicine practitioner, Michael Broffman, who specializes in alternative and complimentary approaches for cancer.  He has helped several friends of mine who had (and no longer have) cancer.

How I am holding all this

Because I have gotten to the point where I automatically dissolve the meaning that I used to unconsciously and automatically give events, I don’t have any reaction when I get additional facts about my condition.  As I’ve explained on many occasions before, virtually all of our feelings—and thus all of our stress and suffering—come from the meaning we give events.  No meaning=no negative emotions=no stress or suffering.

I want to emphasize that I don’t consciously do anything to keep myself from feeling fear.  Emotions come from meaning, which can easily be dissolved.  As a result of consciously practicing dissolving meaning so many times, it now happens without any conscious thought or effort.  To be strictly accurate, I guess I do give meaning to events once or twice a month, but on those rare occasions I am able to dissolve the meaning consciously very quickly and easily.  I’ve developed the ability to just not give meaning to anything that happens or anything I think almost all of the time.

Hearing I have cancer, or that it has spread from the colon to the liver, or that I need chemotherapy, or anything else, for me, is like hearing I have a broken leg.  I need to get an x-ray, a cast, crutches, etc. and get on with my life.  For me, cancer is a condition I need to deal with, but I have never experienced that it was dangerous (even though it obviously could be).  It’s just a health condition to be dealt with as best I can.

I intend to do whatever my oncologist suggests and supplement that with whatever Michael Broffman suggests.  I expect to fully recover and continue contributing to people for many years to come.

I promise to keep you informed as I progress in my healing.

Why suffer needlessly?

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4 thoughts on “Morty Lefkoe ~ My Cancer Has Spread To My Liver; Even That Has No Meaning

  1. Skip the Chemo and Radiation…8 family members believed in their Doctors and did all the treatments and bless my battered heart, everyone died (broke & depleted) with more cancer than was originally diagnosed. My sister-in-law had a small spot in a breast which alternative treatments were curing until after all money, home, Chiropractic practice closed down and she had only BC/BS. She died after a 4 year battle of breast, liver, bone and finally brain cancer. Aunt, Bladder cancer, to breast cancer to finally brain cancer……..

    I would stick with the Chinese Medicine Doctor myself. I don’t need any more proof that Chemo and Radiation do not “cure” cancer. I need no more proof that opening up the body (surgery) allows cancer cells to travel, to only appear later, down the line when the body is already depleted from the prior cancer battle and treatment.

    Work to improve the health of your immune system. Doctors never wanted to discuss this with us while our loved one was fighting for life.

    Your in my prayers…only the positive dear sir.

    In love & light,

    1. Thanks for sharing, Terri. I agree with you concerning chemo and radiation – both seem formed in the pits of hell. Blessings, G

    1. Hi Sacred Warrior, Morty operates out of the belief that we hypnotize ourselves with our emotional imprints that we place on certain constructs in life – e.g. cancer. The overlay emotion attached to the word cancer is “fear.” He detaches from the emotions associated with words and in this way controls his responses. He’s set up quite a test for himself concerning his belief system with this illness. I wish him well being and rapid recovery. Hugs, G

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