Every Act is an Act of Self Definition

Neale Donald Walsch | March 9 2012

My dear friends… I said here last week that there are two ways to give something meaning: (1) we can pull the meaning from our Past, or (2) we can choose the meaning in our Present, as Highly Evolved Beings would do. Let’s pick up our narrative from there…

Lower animals do not create meaning, they simply remember it. A deer hears a twig snap in the forest and “decides” that it means danger. The deer doesn’t wait around to see if he’s right or not. The deer scampers. Because the deer remembers.

The first time that deer heard a twig snap, he may have been very young, and he watched his parents scamper. So he scampered, too. Now he scampers even though his parents are not there. What made his parents scamper? Their parents scampered. What made their parents scamper? Their parents scampered. Deer-scampering has been going on for generations.

Higher animals do not scamper if they hear a twig snap in the forest– unless they choose to. Higher animals hear the same sound, but go through an entirely different process. They think about the snap. They think about who or what might have made the noise, how close the noise is, what it means, and what level of danger they are in, if any.

As soon as you think about something you are acting, as opposed to reacting (which means to “act as you did before”)–which is what deer do. You give the snap meaning. Just as you give everything in your life meaning. What meaning you give the events of your life depends on whether you are coming from your Past, or your Present; from your Mind or from your Mind “Plus” your Soul, working co-jointly.

Most people come from their Past. In fact, most people find it impossible not to. They make their decisions based on their prior thought about a thing; their Past Data. Masters, on the other hand, make their decisions based on their Total Comprehension (a product of the Mind “And” the Soul, working together) and their Future Intention. Memory, or Intention. That is the choice. Always.

When you come from your memory, you create one kind of experience. When you come from your intention, you create another kind of experience altogether.
Always, with your choices, you are answering a single question: Who am I?
Remember what Conversations with God taught us. Every act is an act of self-definition.

I said, every act is an act of self-definition.

Study that sentence carefully. When you embrace its implications utterly, you begin the process of the Holy Experience with your Self.

And we will continue our explorations of all of this here next week. Until then…

Hugs and love,

21 thoughts on “Every Act is an Act of Self Definition

  1. Dear Gil,
    I haven’t been here for a while. I’ve been facebooking and seeing all the exciting things going on there. I’m learning so much and I feel I have advanced in my quest.It’s kind of hard you know to be alone in this, I mean here where I am. No one in my family has said anything to me or asked questions but I get the feeling that they are observing. Anyway, so many things have cleared up in my mind and I feel so secure with the things that I am learning that I don’t feel bad. I feel a bit of aprehension though, let me explain. I went to an evangelical church for 15 years and struggled to go by the book. However, this year things started to happen in my life, I started to question, to get angry, to cry and all sorts of things. I have no idea what triggered all this. So I stopped going to church (the last time was Jan. 23rd) and around the ending of Feb. CWG came to me, I’ve flung myself into it all but here I am with these feelings. One, for some reason I feel a kind of rejection in my heart for church and everything that has to do with it. I haven’t even seen or heard from my friends since January and the worst thing is that I feel I don’t want to. Two, I have this American pastor who comes regularly to Mexico, I don’t know what to say to him, I feel aprehension at meeting him, he’s coming in September again. I haven’t seen people or pastors that I know here in my city but if I did I feel I wouldn’t know what to say to them. I feel so much happier now than I did for many years, that’s for sure. What do you think?
    Thanks for listening Gil, love and blessings to you.

      1. HeyGil,
        I’m trying again toget in touch. Do yoyknow if somthing is wrong with this site? My messages are not leaving.I was wondering if I could ask you questions that have been coming up? I know you don’t have all the answers but you know how just talking helps clear things up. Thanks, God bless hugs,

      2. Sorry thanks I just saw your message, guess I’m still asleep. Thank you I will e-mail you,

  2. Hi Gil,
    I’ve read Neale’s last post about everything being okay and about not worrying, you really like have to go waay within to manage this. I sometimes feel uneasy about certain things, for example, as a Christian I used to put anything that I didn’t understand down to demonic possesions and such, now I go to CWG and tho deep inside I understand for myself I don’t know what to tell people. One thing that really got me recently was the thing on the news about the effects of the bath salts drug – the images really look demonic and even tho I remind myself it’s all about how the poor brain reacts, I still feel kinda … I don’t know. Any comments?
    Love and Blessings,

    1. Hi Annie! We really must go with the flow right now. I believe the more peace, love, and grace we allow into our hearts the easier this transition will be.

      Of course there are the opposing forces who do not desire this upward shift in energy to occur. But these are all playing in the old timeline – the game that no longer serves due to its conceits and deceptions. Just KNOW that all is well, and so it is. Blessings, ~Gil

      1. Hi Gil,
        I always think of you when questions start popping so much I get tired ha. Sometimes just from writing them I get answers. Say, how do you give people their self-worth? What do you say to them to help them deal with their fears? It is said in CWG that doing His work is a lonely endeavor but we only need our own belief not that of others – what of others who haven’t found what we have? Sorry, does this sound confusing? Love, blessings and enlightenment,

      2. Hi Annie, it is an unfortunate fact that no one can give another self worth. It is something that vibrates within the Being. It is usually attained through awareness of the Presence of God and the belief that this Presence exists within each and all.

        Fear has been defined as False Evidence Appearing Real [F.E.A.R.] Much of what we fear never actually materializes in our experience except, of course, if we continually give energy to this fear. Invariably fear is something that has not yet happened. It is something we think MIGHT happen and the more we think it might happen the more likely it is to manifest. For this reason the great sages say Stay In The Present Moment. If you can stay in the present you find that there is seldom anything to fear in that moment. It is only the projection of what might be into the present moment that creates fear.

        We are all walking our own paths and though we are walking it together we have unique and separate experiences. Some might walk beside us and not know what we know. Others might seem far away in space/time but are instantly present when you think of them.

        So all is in divine order. And, per my favorite phrase from the Pleiadians it is best to “dwell in divine nonchalance.”

        Blessings ~G

      3. Hi Gil,
        “Dwell in divine nonchalance”- sounds like glory – thank you for sharing and happy “dwelling”,

      4. Dear Gil,
        I bless your day, thank you for your time. I’ve received e-mails from: today@nealedonaldwalsch.com; is this address open because I’ve tried to write back but I keep receiving delivery failure, can you help?
        Blessings be multiplied

      5. Hello Anna! I trust you’re having a good day. It is likely the address you’re using isn’t Neale’s personal address but rather an email address that is used to send out bulk mailings to his subscribers. I don’t know what email address you might use to contact him directly. If there is a CONTACT form on his website that might be your best opportunity to have him receive mail from you. Thank you for checking in and God bless! ~G

  3. Thanks Gillian
    I’ll start planning my next moves and let you in on the developments as soon as I have something. I’m really excited about the whole thing. Say, is there a forum or someplace where I can ask for help? I know you wrote and everything, but you are ….? from….?. Is it ok for me to say where I’m writing from? Sorry I’m not aware of the policies of this site or anything. I’m new ……
    God bless

    1. Hi Anna, it’s perfectly fine for you to indicate where you’re located if you’re comfortable doing so. I’m not sure if there is a forum on Neale’s site. Hopefully, if you connect with one of the groups at the link they will be able to share additional details with you.

      Blessings, ~G

  4. Hi Gillian,
    Ever since I started to explore more thru more reading I’ve been feeling more and more the need to share what has been for me so life changing. Right now I’m reading “Be part of the change” by whcih I came accross HT. It says that they send out guides for first-time facilitators. I’ve tried to find something for Mexico but there doesn’t seem to be anything (a current CWG group or how to start one) but I haven’t found anything. I also found an example of how to contact people but I will still need looots of guidance.
    See you
    Peace be multiplied

    1. Hi Anna, I found this link at the bottom of Neale’s website. It’s about starting a CWG group and/or meeting up with folk. I haven’t looked at the link myself but hopefully, this will help you get started.


      Blessings, ~G

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