Negative Mass Created…?

negative massJoseph P Farrell – Well, folks, I’m back… sort of. I’m still quite tired, and trying to rest as much as possible. As you may have guessed my sore throat was more than that, it was full blown tonsilitis which had to be beaten back by anti-biotic IV drips and you name it. So as I indicated yesterday, Ms. K.M. has graciously contributed some new blogs to our “contributor posts” category to help tide things through.  For those wondering about the lost vidchat, yes, I do plan to reschedule, probably around the end of the month, as soon as I think my voice will stand the strain and not land me back in the same mess.

Meanwhile, of course, the news does not stop, and this story was seen and shared by so many I have to blog about it, and, of course, indulge my taste for high octane speculation. Indeed, this story has so many implications for our world I don’t know where to begin. Nonetheless, here it is: physicists have created a substance, in this case, ruibidium apparently suspended in a solution, and then super-cooled, with negative mass:

Physicists create fluid with ‘negative mass’

Researchers used lasers to cool the liquid in a tiny bowl. When scientists broke the bowl, the rubidium atoms rushed outwards. Scientists applied a second set of lasers to alter the spin of the out-rushing atoms. As a result, the atoms took on negative mass.

“Once you push, it accelerates backwards,” said Forbes. “It looks like the rubidium hits an invisible wall.”

Researchers say their latest experiments — detailed in the journal Physical Review Letters — were simpler and offered greater control over negative mass than previous attempts.

Where’s the high octane here? For one thing, it confirms in a major way what has long been suspected, namely, that matter near absolute zero would take on coherent properties and perhaps exhibit kontrabaric (negative mass) properties. This has been suspected since Evgenny Podkletnov first noticed strange “negative mass” like properties when experimenting in the 1990s with super-conducting rings.

One effect is that negative mass – as the article indicates, and if we may speak analogically – acts as a kind of phase conjugation mirror: force applied moves it not in the direction of the applied force, but against it.

Now, I mention that strange analogy simply to exhibit one possible use of this negative mass effect: phase conjugation, of an apparently almost perfect nature, which of course, would have benefits for various optical technologies, including, of course, weaponry applications. That of course is stretching things way beyond the article, and in a very bizarre direction, going way out on to the end of the twig where the weight of the speculation far exceeds the evidence and reasoning strength of the twig.

Perhaps I’m simply loopy and still feeling the aftereffects of antibiotics. Then again, such bizarre brainstorming is a trademark of people in various agencies, say, like DARPA. We’ll get back to them in a moment.

However, and as I think will be obvious, the much more interesting possibility here are the lift and propulsion possibilities. Obviously, negative mass isn’t quite the same thing as “anti-gravity”, but it’s in the same stadium, and, most importantly, the new experiment is much simpler in terms of its mechanisms of controlling the phenomenon:

Researchers say their latest experiments — detailed in the journal Physical Review Letters — were simpler and offered greater control over negative mass than previous attempts.

“What’s a first here is the exquisite control we have over the nature of this negative mass, without any other complications,” said Forbes.

Now, normally my “routine” here is to do the “high octane speculation” stuff last, and then sign off with my usual “see you on the flip side.” But today I hope you noticed something about that article, which is why I got to the high octane speculation stuff first. Notice, that as far as the article is concerned, the new “negative mass” fluid is good for only a few “practical applications” that will not directly impact the world our children or grandchildren will live in:

The success may allow for exploration of strange phenomena like black holes and neutron stars.

Black holes and neutron stars. From a substance with negative mass, that accelerates in the opposite direction of any force applied to it.

I can hear the guys at the Diabolically Apocalyptic Research Projects Agency (DARPA) even now: “Yup. That’s about it folks. Neutron stars and black holes. Nothing to see here, just a bunch of arcane theoretical stuff. No practical applications. Move along… nothing to see here…”

Now, what if we spun a bunch of this stuff up in the… oh never mind…

But speaking of “spin”, here’s another version of the story: ‘Negative mass’ created at Washington State University

Note, this statement:

To create negative mass, the researchers applied a second set of lasers that kicked the atoms back and forth and changed the way they spin. Now when the rubidium rushes out fast enough, if behaves as if it has negative mass.

In other words, the implication is that rotation, and mass, are related, and if that’s the case, then perhaps we’re looking at a phenomenon with broken symmetry and polarity.

Electrogravitics, anyone?

See you on the flip side…

SF Source Giza Death Star April 2017

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