New Moon / Eclipse Update

New Moon in Aries with a partial solar eclipse is Wednesday, April 19th at 10:12 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

New Moon / Eclipse UpdateLena Stevens – The nature of this moon is charged and full of opportunities but you have to be paying attention. Great transformation can occur and doors may open for new possibilities, new cycles and for taking a bigger leap of faith than you thought possible in the past.

It can also be a dynamic time of facing permanent closures of a karmic nature and of moving full heartedly into something you have contemplated and worked towards. There can also be surprising situations that appear which can be either positive or challenging or sometimes both. This is where attention, focus and staying present will serve you well.

Think of any stretch into a choice that comes with a slight risk as a bid for power. The main thing to remember is that spirit will guide you and you will receive clarity and support if what you are reaching for is truly yours and aligned with you instead of being someone else’s dream. If something is falling apart in your life, ask the question, “What about this situation, person or project is no longer aligned with or serves me?” Perhaps it is time for a restructure. Take a risk.

Blessings, Lena

SF Source The Power Path Apr 2023

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