Nibiru Update – December 2016

nibiruJelaila Starr – As usual this time of year, Nibiru is garnering lots of attention. Is she returning now, will she hit Earth or cause catastrophic earth changes? As I’ve written for several years, none of this is a concern to me and here is why.

Nibiru is a Solar System

Firstly, Nibiru is not just one planet, it is a solar system with a brown dwarf as its sun. A brown dwarf is a sun that never ignited. A brown dwarf can still pull planets, moons and asteroids into orbit around it. Nibiru’s brown dwarf is very powerful as evidenced try the long tail of “space debris” often seen trailing behind. This means the Nibiru sun, even though not ignited, has a very powerful magnetic field that as drawn not only planets and moons, but massive amounts of asteroids into her orbit.

Side note: I refer to Nibiru in the feminine and also as one planet. This is to avoid the confusion as so many think Nibiru is just one planet, plus it is easier than typing out “Nibiru solar system.”

As I’ve been informed by the Nibiruans, we are in no danger of a direct hit. We are not in danger of cataclysmic earth changes due to being on the same side of the sun as the brown dwarf … that threat passed a few years ago I am told.

So what are we seeing?

What is being photographed in sky, appearing as two suns? Is that Nibiru? It is my understanding that what we are seeing is not Nibiru’s sun; it is one of her planets. I am also informed that it just might be the Nibiru home world, but I have no absolute confirmation on this yet. Of course the lack of confirmation may just mean that I have to expand my thinking to understand their answer. (As I type this I’m receiving an answer.)

Could it mean that rather than being only one home world, it is one of two or more home worlds, meaning that they live on more than one planet in their solar system? Let me know if you get the same thing, okay?

What can we expect in the coming years?

As I mentioned earlier, it is my understanding that we have nothing to be concerned about as far as a direct hit or cataclysmic earth changes. With that said, we will experience seismic activity as some of these planets and the larger comets pass with most of it being in the southern hemisphere.

As for the future, we will still being seeing Nibiru’s entourage passing as it will take many years. since there are more planets and comets coming. I am told that Nibiru’s ring nodes extend much further out than our own sun’s. This means that we may not live to see the passing of those furthest out.

Since I’ve been assured that Nibiru’s passing will be easy, I am choosing to experience it as a rare event, one that I am blessed to be alive to see and utilize for ascension.  I mean think about it, we are alive to see the passing of some of the closest members of our sun’s twin solar system that only comes around every 3600 years. Pretty amazing, isn’t it?

Nibiru’s Higher Purpose

There’s a lot of negative hype out there about Nibiru’s passing. I’m not here to take issue with what’s being said; people need to figure that out for themselves. What I am here to share is what the Nibiruans say about it. The higher purpose is to be a catalyst for change and for ascension. Each time a planet or moon draws near our sun there is pressure exerted causing solar eruptions.

These eruptions travel to earth impacting our magnetic field. Each impact affects us and our planet. With each impact we have more of our emotional baggage shaken up for release. As for our planet, those impacts act like heart defibrillator causing it to beat a little faster. Each time Earth’s heart rate increases, we experience time acceleration which further shakes up our emotional stuff, much like emotional detoxing but on a planetary level. So in the end its all good; even the not so pleasant side had a positive aspect to it.

In closing, Nibiru’s solar system will continue its course through our sector oc the galaxy. How we experience the passings are up to us. We can see them as assisting us as catalysts for change or buy into the fear. Remember that what we choose will determine our individual experiences.

SF Source Nibiruan Council Dec. 2016

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One thought on “Nibiru Update – December 2016

  1. It is the opposite to our solar system…as in the helical vortex of rotating energy that can be found in miniature in the double helix of DNA…the hermetic principle of “as above, so below” applies to the solar system(s)…the heliocentric model only makes sense from a “top” down perspective of a helical vortex, much the same as can be found throughout nature when one applies sacred geometry, Fibonacci spirals, mathematics…

    One light, the other dark, in a continual spiral toward source at the center of the galaxy, continually rotating around each other spiraling up through the galactic “plane” (or a central point in toroid that is the galaxy) reaching equilibrium twice in one cycle and a high and low point once that is reflected in miniature on this planet by the equinoxes and the solstices.

    The suns electromagnetic energy pulling the planets in tow and rotating around its twin…keeping each other in balance in a cosmic dance round and round one another, up and down in union through universe…

    Just my thoughts…thanks for the article and for not fear mongering like many i have read, videos i have seen…this is a natural progression and fear has no place in it….


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