Oracle Report ~ Saturday, March 12 – Sunday, March 13, 2016

“That Wonderful Wolfie Glow” – photographer Sierra

Crescent Moon in Taurus/Gemini Sunday 4:04 pm ET/9:04 pm UT: persevere

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Shodashi, Goddess Who Fulfills Our Highest and Best Desires

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment

Skill: ascertain the state of your will (and will power)

True Alignments: strategic, sensitivity to the unseen, creating or manifesting something quickly, freeing up or airing out or loosening what is stuck, release of burdens, sharing, imagination, the power of belief, practice, allied by similar interests, taking time to consider before acting, reflection, easing up and relaxing

Catalysts for Change:  cutting off, naïve, control issues (very strong this weekend), hiding, stuck, routines that are soul-sucking, separated from or feeling a lack of purpose, staged shows intended to manipulate, diving in without looking, the need to be the center of attention, stinginess, devaluing, playing games, disconnected from nature, underestimating others, unskilled, avoiding an issue

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a table set for an evening meal”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres” (re-tuning of human consciousness)

This month’s mission is to metaphorically “set a table for an evening meal.”  What does this mean to you?

How would you like things to be?  What would you like to anticipate?  What do you expect?

The symbol requires that we engage our will – the one thing (other than love) that is targeted for siphoning by archontic (unintegrated, non-organic, shadow) energies.

Will.  Will power.  The power to get things done.  The power to set things up for the future.  The power to “set a table for evening meal.”  How much do you feel you have?  Do you feel that you lack it?

There is much “on the table” this weekend to help us transcend limits or restrictions that leak our will power.  Let’s break it down into areas:

Communications And Thoughts focus on what we are “carrying.”  Burdens, heavy responsibilities, and the “weight” of things.  It is very helpful to share, vent, or process situations and feelings with another.  It will help to alleviate anything that might be weighing heavily on our hearts or minds.  Baggage can be unloaded.  There is a slight element of communications being confusing or taking a little longer to understand, so we want to be patient with ourselves and others.

Situations that are Troubling have a beautiful opportunity to resolve or come to peace. Rising above or taking the higher road is the directive this weekend.  Chaotic situations (or things that we are stuck on) can easily disappear before our eyes when we intend to go above it.  Peace seeks us to lift us.

The Magnificence of what we are capable of and what is possible for us, individually and collectively, is shown to us if we can understand that magnificence is the true nature of humanity.  We are conditioned to believe otherwise.  The true nature of humanity is compassionate, creative, free, generous, fun-loving, and loyal.  Seeing this is the hardest thing for us to do because a shadow side is running in the background.  The truth of this is cracking through.  Humanity is beginning to see its true nature.

The Sunny Side or a better perspective comes from connecting with nature, always, but especially so this weekend.  A grand trine is in play between the Moon, Jupiter, and Pluto, setting the table for emotional expansion and transformation.  Remember that we are in the last lunar month of this sonically-super year of the changing of the music of the spheres, and that the last lunar month of year is the most spiritually-infused time of the year.  It’s like a month-long Balsamic Moon phase, the time when the veils between the worlds or dimensions of consciousness are thinnest.  It’s a highly emotional month, so aiming for a higher truth sees us through.

As these themes are “set upon the table” this weekend, give some thought to the state of your will.  This is divine masculine inside each of us.  Let’s take up our will and our desire to set the table of the future the way we want it.  How do you want your life to be?  How do you want the world to be?  Envision it and believe.  Higher forces are listening.

Happy Willpower Weekend, everyone!

(A digression:  Interestingly, does it seem that the divine masculine is not showing up or does not look like what we’ve been imaging for eternity?  Has chivalry been much misunderstood?  I posit that chivalry is not Lancelot in all of his ruffles.  Chivalry is the raw power of will to pummel that which is beneath contempt.  Chivalry is visceral.  And it is breaking its silence.)

Thank you for supporting the Oracle Report – Laura Walker

“End the drama. Return to ease. I broker no interference. No weapon, thought, or word formed against me shall prosper. My brothers stand around me and my sisters are within me. Wisdom, let me attend.” — Mantra for the Defense Against Archontic Intrusion.

SF Source The Oracle Report

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