Illuminati Bloodlines, the Pope, and Russia’s Rising Influence [Video]

Trace the bloodlines of the Illuminati from the ancient Persians, to the modern Jesuits and learn how the Pope might be the final step in the New World Order, with author Leuren Moret. From the Aldebrondinis, to Vladimir Putin (who happens to be the new Tsar)–we uncover how power has shifted to the East, but managed to stay in the hands of the select few. Nuclear poisoning, HAARP weaponry, and false flags being utilized to manipulate the globe, plus the silencing and stealing of Nikola Tesla’s innovation.

These topics are explored in this Buzzsaw interview – hosted by Sean.

Leuren Moret is an internationally recognized Geoscientist and specialist on the environmental and biological effects of ionizing radiation.

After graduating from UC Davis in 1968, she collaborated with famous Paleobotanist Dr. Daniel I. Axelrod for 16 years, conducting yearly Paleobotanical expeditions and investigations around the World. That experience led to collaboration at the British Museum with Dr. Lewis Leakey, identifying paleobotanical specimens from East Africa and reconstructing hominid environments. She also conducted research at the Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences at Cambridge University, for Dr. Christopher Jeans, son of the well known astronomer Sir James Jeans.

After living in Iran and traveling around Europe and the Middle East, she returned to UC Berkeley and graduated in 1978 with an M.A. in Near Eastern Studies and the equivalent of a Masters degree in Wildlife Studies. After working at the Lawrence Livermore National Lab 1989-1991 as a geochemist on the WIPP and Yucca Mountain nuclear waste storage projects, she became a Federal Whistleblower on nuclear weapons lab science fraud, graft, and corruption.

Her research led to a chance meeting in 2000 with Marion Fulk, the Manhattan Project scientist who solved the difficult problems on the Hydrogen Bomb for the US Government, and made it work. With this research came a new and perhaps as important field of knowledge, the new global Weapon of Mass Destruction based on Tesla technology known as HAARP. It was secretly co-developed by the U.S. and the Soviet Union at Livermore nuclear weapons lab and in Russia.
After visiting 50 countries educating the public, media, Parliaments and Congress, and making 20 speaking tours in Japan from 2000-2010, she has become a self-described “messenger warning the Global Community about the horrific dangers of HAARP and nuclear technologies.”

SF Source Enter The Buzzsaw  Dec 2015

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