The Democratic apparatchik – what a moronic cesspool!

ruling democratsGillian Grannum –  Can you sense the fear emanating from ruling Democrats (Dems)? Fetid whiffs of corruption, bribery, blackmail and unmitigated vice coil around them and their Republican counterparts as well.  But today’s focus is on the Dems’ contribution to the Washington swamp.

Having seemingly lost all moral moorings these unindicted criminals present to the world a rotting political carcass comprised of blatant hypocrisy, deceit, lies, illegal financial arrangements, sedition and treason.

Recently they’ve ratcheted up the mania quotient, forcefully assaulting logic with perverted interpretations of right and wrong, mistaking law breaking (seditious attempts to frame a sitting POTUS with false evidence) for lawful action (impeachment). To sane onlookers their “reasoned arguments” for impeachment sound insane, and their “logic” beyond imbecilic.

Are these idiots?  Morons? Apparently so.  Check out Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi. Both have seemingly mistaken mindless chatter for instructive discourse and have suffered zero consequential damage to reputation, if mainstream coverage is to be believed.

Who’s the crookedest of them all?

Based solely on performance ruling Democrats earn First-in-Class for out-of-control vice and deception. Any very short list of seditious achievements must, of necessity, include treason, failure to perform Constitutional duties, bribes to pass totally unhinged legislation, lies, blackmail, money laundering, insider trading, and generalized financial incompetence with the public purse.

As Robert Gore writes “Democrats may want to reconsider their embrace of the moronic.

There is no greater earthly pleasure than seeing people who pose as intellectually superior revealed as morons. Hillary Clinton was wretched, but Democrats have bought off half the electorate; there was no way they should have lost to a man who had never held office. Her defeat was a glorious culmination of delirious delusion that connoisseurs of the moronic will forever cherish. Shakespeare said, “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players.” When you don’t know at whom the audience is laughing, it’s you. Last week, Reasons to Vote for Democrats: A Comprehensive Guide, a book of 266 blank pages, was number one on Amazon’s bestseller list (a few notches above Prime Deceit). Still, the donkeys don’t get the joke.”  source

Shift Frequency © 2017 – Full reprint permission
granted for publication “as is” – with attribution

2 thoughts on “The Democratic apparatchik – what a moronic cesspool!

  1. Well stated and absolutely spot on. Personally I believe that we are witnessing a public devoid of (as my late father used to call) “walking around sense” ..I believe it is a combination of the aerosols, the GMO’s, and the various frequencies we now found ourselves immersed in. The fact that ANYONE can think critically these days is a miracle….

    1. Thanks, Terry. Actually you offer a great explanation for the generalized breakdown in logic we’re witnessing. About 2/5ths of Congress actually do the job they were sent there to do. The rest are way too busy selling favors and/or running around the globe arming terrorists to care about what citizens think. We’re at the bottom of the food chain. Just there to pay for it all until they can replace us. That fact – that the citizen comes last – afflicts both sides of the aisle. The Dems just happen to be more blatantly vile when the curtain’s lifted a tiny bit.

      I personally think it’s a mix of what you write and absolute fear. They’re terrified of being exposed and losing power, which is why they’re so panicked. Trump is a lightning strike against the entire Deep State and they all can’t stand him.

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