Sandy Hook Hoax – An Open Letter to Fred Grimm of the Miami Herald

This is one of the most, thoroughly documented, thoughtful presentations I’ve seen concerning the Sandy Hook false flag operation.  It is a long document. However, it is most definitely worth your time to read.  It is truly quite excellent! – G Grannum


Diane Jakopovic – Dear Mr. Grimm, I am one of those ‘wacky’ followers of Tony Mead. I was quite angry at first when I read your article, because it is very unfair, but I decided that instead of insulting you as you insulted me, I’d like to explain why so many people doubt the story they have told us about what happened at Sandy Hook, why we are being so persistent in our quest for answers and what we hope to accomplish. After reading your article, I feel that you’re uninformed about us and therefore have fallen prey to people who would tell you lies. I will include a lot of links to pictures and information which you, as a journalist, should find interesting, and I would hope they might shed a new light on some of the confusion surrounding the entire event.

In your article, you admitted that Tony and members of his group are being stalked and harassed, but you went on to say, “with the same aggressive hostility that he and his followers employ against the of massacred children.” I would like to ask you why you think that is true? To my knowledge, and I have been a member of his Facebook group for a long time, no one in our group has harassed, or has been proven to harass any parents. Perhaps there might be people out there who would do such a thing, but please don’t attach them to our group or feel that we would approve of such behavior. On Facebook, there are all sorts of characters and personalities but for you to consider that an entire group is responsible for a single member’s action, is simply unbelievable.

See also Overwhelming irrefutable video and documentary evidence: Sandy Hook another false flag CRIMINAL hoax requiring arrests

In the comments below, Keith Johnson admits that he has people in our CLOSED group who report back to him what is said. When outrageous comments are made within that group, there is always high suspicion that they are made by someone who has done it merely to blacken our group’s reputation, i.e. they are planted there for the sole reason of making us look crazy and dangerous. Every effort has been made by our administrators to rid the group of these ‘moles’ or ‘trolls’ or whatever they are. Well over a thousand people have been removed from the group over the past year, and yet the moles are still active. And, by Mr. Johnson’s own admission in the comment section of your article, they are still there.

In the case of contact between the families of Sandy Hook and the followers of the three gentlemen you cited, I will say that Mr. Pozner was the one who contacted many of us (I was not in the current Facebook group but was in another group at the time.) In my case, he came into our group and issued an open invitation to join a group he had created. I did that, although I wasn’t there very long. I had questions (I still do) but asking them caused me to be verbally attacked by his followers, including Keith Johnson, although I will admit that Mr. Pozner was always polite to me. Of my questions, no answers that made any sense were given; the responses were more like excuses. So I personally, discontinued all contact with them.

One of the things you should consider when talking of harassment is that most independent researchers live nowhere near Connecticut, so physical ‘harassment’ is highly unlikely. If there is internet or telephone harassment, then it needs to be proven before you write such an article. And by proven, I don’t just mean screen prints of bits of conversations, with no clue what was said before or after. Many people, unfortunately, are admittedly easily led into verbal combat and say something completely awful, but the leaders or other members of a group should not be held accountable for that.

With all that said, I’d like to touch on a few of the anomalies that we refer to, that make us doubt the event happened as they said it did.

Using merely common logic, [you] might ask yourself why parents who demanded privacy, immediately ran to every camera even before their children were in the ground, that many of them laughed and giggled throughout? I will not comment on how people should grieve since I’m not a psychologist, but I am a mother and I think I would have reacted differently. And in my profession (Registered Respiratory Therapist, Certified Pediatric/Neonatal Specialist in Respiratory Care and Registered Polysomnography Technician who worked at a children’s hospital, in the pediatric ICUs for over 20 years,) I have seen a huge number of grieving parents, and not a single one with the demeanor such as the Sandy Hook parents. While I feel that is an interesting conflict of the normal grieving reactions, that is not where my concentration has been focused.

Have you ever wondered why the live newscast videos of the scene at the firehouse showed a huge number of people on their cell phones, yet no cell phone videos ever showed up? And why, out of the hundreds of parents who were there (supposedly the school had approximately 450+ students in attendance that day) most photos were of the parents whose children happened to be killed. And where were all of those 450+ students? Most live videos showed only a few handfuls of school-age children.

Did you know that FOIA requests for inspections of the school, work orders, etc. (which should be public information) have been withheld and that Monte Frank, President of the Connecticut State Bar Association, is the attorney who shows up at such mundane proceedings as FOIA requests to keep that information hidden? Do you not find it curious that such a powerful man would stoop to be the representative at lowly FOIA hearings?

Have you seen photos of the school, how filthy and moldy it was on the inside and the outside, with leaky ceilings, cracked concrete, rotted wood and evidence of prior flooding, a school crammed full of crap? These photos are all straight from the official report which is available for anyone to download:

SHES Exterior:

SHES Interior:

SHES video:

Did you know that school board minutes prior to that day prove that the district had already discussed closing one of their elementary schools? How coincidental is that? And isn’t it amazing when one considers that there just happened to be an empty school just a few miles down the road. How often does something like that happen?

Money For Some Things And Not For Others

Sept 4 2012 Meeting of the Newton, CT Board of Education (pdf)

Sept 18 2012 Meeting of the Newton, CT Board of Education (pdf)

Oct 2 2012 Meeting of the Newton, CT Board of Education (pdf)

Oct 2 2012 Meeting of the Newton, CT Board of Education (pdf)

Did you know that after the shooting, the school was declared too toxic to be reopened and had to be destroyed and rebuilt (with the help of many federal dollars, I might add.)

Widespread Haz-Mat Presence Would Have Hampered Sandy Hook Renovations

Did you realize that the mandatory 24 hour background check on the murder victims was not done, because there were too many victims, even though one of the victims also had her car riddled with bullets? That this order to ignore standard procedure did not specify who gave the order and it was unsigned until 6 months later? How did they that quickly determine that this was not a revenge killing or that there was not another motive? And how did they rationalize not doing the background checks by saying that the number of victims was too high when there were hundreds of officers and federal agents at their disposal? And even if that were true, should background checks not have been at least done on the adult victims? (link)

Is it not strange that the crime scene photos showed little evidence of a crime? And only two supposed blood spots were photographed and shown over and over, while all other blood photos were redacted (one of Natalie Hammond’s inside the doorway of conference room 9, and the other of Ben Wheeler’s when he was laid on the concrete outside the front doors.) Why is it okay to focus over and over on these two spots yet not okay to show any other evidence of blood? Why should we believe there is anything at all under those redacted photos?

As Mr. Moorehead said in his comment, do you realize that the Soto family was informed that Vicki was not the heroine as portrayed by the media, but in fact, was probably one of the first victims and had little time to react or to shield her students, and yet the family continues to preach about her heroism and makes no effort to correct the narrative? (link)

Do you realize that nearly every statement in the official report was redacted and then regurgitated in the third party by the interviewer? How are we to know that’s what the witness actually said?

Do you know that even though Sandy Hook Fire Dept. was one of the first responding teams, there is no call to them listed in their history on their website? As a matter of fact, there is nothing in their call history about that day, even though their fire truck was dispatched to the school parking lot and their firemen played a significant role throughout the day. (link)

Because of my experience, I felt very qualified to address many of the medical anomalies of what happened that day, how standard written protocols were ignored, how the very basics of first aid were thrown out the door, which likely worsened the injuries and may have possibly contributed to the deaths of two children who were transported to the hospital, and how the report itself PROVES beyond a doubt that someone is lying. I have written an article about that and will include a link to it below. Before submitting this article, I asked a paramedic to critique it for accuracy, which he did. You can read it here. If you do nothing else, please read section 4 which proves that either the investigating officers lied or the paramedics lied.

Do you realize that often when an article with legitimate question is published, or a video is made which points out the inconsistencies (by real researchers), it is immediately taken down? This continuous scrubbing of articles and videos and websites, discussing what should be public information, is exactly what has given rise to so many wild theories. A good example is the recent video by a man called Political Hillbilly which focused on the dash cam recordings and which showed that officers who said they ran down the front of the school building never ran down the front of the school building. And the same person proved that the dash cam video recording date and time stamps had been tampered with? His youtube account was immediately terminated…. even though there was nothing that could be construed as violating their terms. The following are photos which prove evidence of tampering. These were obtained by Wolfgang Halbig via an FOIA request, after a long, hard-fought battle, I might add. (link)

Did you know that the real estate assessor’s data base reflected that a large number of the victim’s family homes had a sales date of 12/25/2009 and a sales price of $0, with no home history prior to that? As a matter of fact, many (but not all) of the homes in Sandy Hook had that same data. Some still do, such as the Kowalski’s home. When someone called to inquire why, they were told it was because it was a new database and information had not yet been transferred over (although as I said, some of it was.) The highly unusual real estate transactions in that area is another matter worth investigation. (link)

Do you know that both Bing and Google Earth manipulated the aerial view of the school and completely blocked the street view of any area of Sandy Hook immediately after (or maybe perhaps prior to) the event? Why would that be? If one laid their cursor atop the school, it turned blue. This is true even when one looked back at the historical view, the 2012 overlay showed. Why would they do this? The street view near the firehouse is still quite messed up.

Google Earth Manipulation:

Sandy Hook Manipulation in Google Earth and Virtual Earth (YouTube)

Sandy Hook On Virtual Earth (YouTube)

There is much, much more; many unanswered questions and confusing and/or conflicting statements from the report, such as Adam was shot in the back of the head vs. the OCME report that he died from an intra-oral shot. [see source]

And Adam’s hat, which he was supposedly wearing when he killed himself, shows very little, if any, blood or tissue.  [see source]

There is plenty of evidence of foreknowledge and preplanning, for example: (link to DHS involvement)

As well as evidence of people recycling themselves at the firehouse (i.e. walking out the back door and back into the front doors).

Sandy Hook Hoax ~ Walking In Circles Around Sandy Hook Firehouse (YouTube)

Round and Round Dosey Doe at Sandy Hook Firehouse. (YouTube)

What is befuddling as well are the very confusing, often indeterminate, DNA results… as an example, in this report, the results of this testing does not even list exactly which rifle they are talking about (items #2-1S1 through #2-4S1.) Is this intentional, is it an oversight, or is it just sloppiness? One must assume, since it says it was a chambered round, that it refers to the Bushmaster used to kill all of those people. And if that’s true, then Adam Lanza (with his fingerless gloves) was eliminated as a contributor to the DNA on the trigger. How can that be? Other DNA results prove just as conflicting. (link)

There are mundane things, like Obama wiping the ‘tears’ from the wrong side of his eye. There are improbable things like a woman calling the police about a group of frantic children running up a street, screaming that their teacher had been shot, and was told to transport them to the police station rather than to send an officer to the location. There are outrageous things like Gene Rosen’s ever-changing stories (and furniture, I might add.) And there are bizarre things like OCME H. Wayne Carver’s unprofessional behavior and comments.

And there are all the missing pieces and conflicting information about Adam Lanza, i.e. he wasn’t in school vs. he was an honor roll student, or he was so sensitive to light and sound, he could not function, vs Adam played Dance-Dance Revolution on a regular basis. And I could go on and on.

I would highly recommend that you watch some documentaries made by my fellow ‘truthers’ and see why we question the event, rather than blindly believe that we’re just a bunch of crazy nuts. And perhaps, in the interest of fairness, you should contact and speak directly to Tony Mead, Wolfgang Halbig, or Dr. James Tracy, to understand their concern. Contrary to popular notion, to what you may have been told, they are all decent people and more than willing to discuss where the controversies lie:

We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook  (YouTube)

The Life of Adam (YouTube)

Unraveling Sandy Hook (YouTube)

So you might wonder why do we care, why don’t we just believe what we’re told and move along with our lives? I’m sure there are a variety of reasons that many of us can’t….. and won’t….. let this go. A sense of betrayal, confusion, anger, and concern are all very real emotions that surface as we study this event.

*Betrayal because we see the contradictions in what we were/are told; they are blatant and in our face.

*Confusion because no legitimate person, such as a journalist, will even bother to look at the evidence that things are not what they seem; they just roll along like logs in the river.

*Anger because people like you do not bother to check your facts before damning us in public; that is so wrong of you.

*And concern because laws are being written based on this event. Because this group of people immediately coalesced into well-organized and very powerful groups who are pushing mental health, gun, and various school legislation.

What business is it of ours what happened that day? Not only did the town, schools, and citizens receive millions of dollars in donations (not my business, I understand) but they were likewise given multi-millions of dollars in federal dollars (definitely my business.) The federal government has paid the victim’s families (why? Unfortunately people are murdered every day and don’t receive hundreds of thousands of dollars for their loss…. that only happens in select disasters such as Sandy Hook and Charleston.) The federal government has given a minimum of $17 million to the citizens in that area. While our own schools fall apart, we are paying for an ultra-fancy, very expensive ($50,000,000) school in Connecticut. And why is it the obligation for citizens of other states to pay for the overtime of the police departments in Connecticut? All of these questions make getting answers, getting proof that this event actually occurred as we are told, a legitimate exercise on our part. And we are NOT going away.


Diane Jakopovic
Elkhorn, Nebraska

Hat tip, Steve Pieczenik!

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