Senate, Austin and Milley a Joke, More Vax Lies, Economy Crashing [Video]

MilleyGreg Hunter – The Senate held a hearing this week mostly about Afghanistan, and top General Mark Milley and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin answered questions.  What a joke.  The Senators acted as if this was all just incompetence when it was really a plan to turn over Afghanistan to terrorists and give them weapons and millions of dollars in cash.  This was the plan, and to think otherwise is moronic.

They had a chance to ask why Lt. Colonel Stuart Scheller has been arrested and thrown in jail for wanting top military brass to be held accountable.  They also could have asked about the Affidavit of Lt. Colonel Theresa Long MD, who is basically claiming Army pilots she evaluates at Fort Rucker are a national security risk after they have been vaxed.

Lt. Colonel Long says many are NOT safe to fly a war machine, but not a single question from Senators who are as big of a joke as the Biden military leaders.  Don’t kid yourself, Senators know full well what’s going on, and not asking about these current burning issues is too stupid to be stupid.

The vaccines are not working and are causing more harm than good.  This was reinforced this week with many pieces of data coming out saying the Vaccines are creating sick people, and the double vaxed are the ones flooding the hospitals, not the unvaxed.  Senator Ron Johnson was out this week saying the vaccines are NOT working as advertised.  Much more negative vax data coming from Europe too.

Congress has passed a stopgap measure so the government will not partially shut down, but economic problems are far from over.  The debt is there and rising.  Many market experts are calling for a crash.  The problem is nobody is listening and thinks the Fed can keep it all going forever—it can’t.

Join Greg Hunter of as he talks about these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up for 10.01.21.

SF Source USA Watchdog Sep 2021

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