
ShadowlandsLorna Bevan – It feels like a fated time on all levels as the New Moon at 25 Cancer on July 17th forms a Grand Cardinal Cross with Eliminator Pluto on the Master degree of Capricorn and the karmic eclipse points of the Nodes of Fate newly arrived in late Aries/Libra. Significantly, Pluto is also aligned with deep space points: Haumea/Eris/Sedna.

Grand Crosses draw down very high dimensional forces – critical change is here….

The Nodes of Fate reveal how the past transforms current reality. For the next 18 months, expect to engage in a sort of psychological Akido – intense evolutionary personal growth (Aries) balanced out with sustainable, supportive, collaborative collective responses (Libra). As many more people discover their inner power and initiative, the dissonance in the outer world will be unbridgeable.

Then on July 22nd, Venus stations at 28° Leo to turn retrograde until September 3rd. In those 7 weeks, your inner archetype of magnetics, self-worth, intimacy, values and money will disappear out of consciousness and availability. Don’t underestimate this opportunity to discover and disable your self-sabotaging shadow patterns supported by Chiron’s retrograde on July 23rd.

In these shadowlands, rely on your sensory acuity, your intuition, your Knowing. Insights are available to you at all times once you drop the need for them to arrive with bells, whistles and drama.

New! For Master Coaching on Venus Retrograde Tools for Reflection, Reunion and Ritual, sign up to my JULY 5D Report in the shop:

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Chandra Symbol New Moon CANCER 25: A flock of penguins on an icy beach.

“Inward purpose draws to itself an invisible community of those who are dedicated to the far places together.

Your subtle support system recognizes that you are bearing gifts of a high and free kind and attempting to bring these through in just the right way.

A guiding stream accompanies your very life-pulse and steers you toward staying faithful and not pushing too hard, too fast. A timeless, future-infused sphere, vast and expansive and truly unlimited.

Become the personification of this otherness by being inwardly there within it and outwardly silent and poised and cool. There shall be chances, opportunities, ritual occasions for bringing the greater worlds to bear upon the basic, shared life stream. And at all other times, preparation and ripening are in order, to be perfectly ready when called upon, clear, steady, and true.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Jul 2023

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