Smoke and Mirrors (November 27 – December 4, 2022)

Smoke and MirrorsLorna Bevan – Nothing will be as it seems – the entire week is veiled by Neptune stationing direct on December 3rd at 22 Pisces conjunct Jupiter. The Sea God works on the astral plane on the collective soul level to open our hearts to what lies beyond the concrete and materialistic.

It represents the urge to merge with something greater than yourself, to transcend or lose yourself and soften the hard edges of Saturn. Some of the archetypes associated with Neptune are: the Great Mother, the Divine Feminine, the Saviour, the Victim, the Martyr, the Addict, the Suffering Artist, the Visionary Dreamer and the Mystic.

In Pisces, Neptune’s own watery realm, this transpersonal energy can manifest as a thick psychic fog blanking out all our usual signposts, creating confusion and deception.

As Neptune slows in a T square to Mars in Gemini and Mercury/Venus in Sagittarius between the karmic points of the Great Attractor (14° – 17° Sagittarius) and the Galactic Centre (27° Sagittarius – 0° Capricorn), take nothing at face value. So much that we can’t yet see is being unraveled and exposed for what it really is at the etheric level, to be revealed from mid-January when Mercury, Mars and Uranus all turn direct.

December will be a month of constant flux – it will feel like being on sideways elevators mixed with some strange sliding doors moments – seemingly inconsequential choices that permanently alter the trajectory of future events. Get comfortable with paradox, ambiguity and uncertainty – with not knowing and not being in control

Channel Neptune’s higher energy field by attuning to your extrasensory acuity, paying closer attention than usual to signs, symbols, synchronicity, inklings and your night time dreams. These are all nudges of creative inspiration.

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This Guide is your essential handbook to everything you need to know to prepare for 2023 – including all the Year Ahead Sign Forecasts. It promises to be a watershed year filled with game changing pioneering energy that will permanently switch the Train Tracks of your personal trajectory as you step into the Great Aquarian Transformation between 2023-43.

Chandra Symbol Neptune Direct Pisces 22: a blacksmith creating an ornate garden gate

“All the resistances, crystallizations, dysfunction and dissonances are great excuses to stop or immense occasions to start.

You get laid low if you do not know what to do with the stuff of this world. But if you have learned the subtle craft of world-making, you meet up against the hardest places and discover how to turn them completely around–the exceedingly demanding guild of those who dig into the depths and draw forth beauty and infinite power from the brutal and heavy realities which otherwise seem impenetrable.

A stubbornly hardworking, impossible-to-discourage craft of reworking the primal soil. Mostly unproductively, mostly learning how forever, paying your dues, never quite getting it right, until there comes a day when even the obdurate bends to the inner design–when the conviction is complete.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale.

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Nov 2022

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