Smoke and Mirrors (November 27 – December 4, 2022)

Smoke and MirrorsLorna Bevan – Nothing will be as it seems – the entire week is veiled by Neptune stationing direct on December 3rd at 22 Pisces conjunct Jupiter. The Sea God works on the astral plane on the collective soul level to open our hearts to what lies beyond the concrete and materialistic.

It represents the urge to merge with something greater than yourself, to transcend or lose yourself and soften the hard edges of Saturn. Some of the archetypes associated with Neptune are: the Great Mother, the Divine Feminine, the Saviour, the Victim, the Martyr, the Addict, the Suffering Artist, the Visionary Dreamer and the Mystic.

In Pisces, Neptune’s own watery realm, this transpersonal energy can manifest as a thick psychic fog blanking out all our usual signposts, creating confusion and deception. Continue reading