Still The Great Pretender?

“The control system taught you very fast, that you were not supposed to be an individual – you had to fit in. So it’s basically childhood programming. It is very tricky since, we have to know we are ‘Me’ before we can learn to be ‘Us / One’.” – S Dreier

MaskSoren Dreier – Somewhere along the road of awakening, spirituality, becoming ourselves, we will get confronted with the mask we are wearing, because carrying it is psychological opportunism and the soul seems to say: “How long are you going to fake it?”

It can be a very interesting process to take a conscious decision not to wear any at all, and not to wear any at all also seems problematic, since we have to know ourselves really well and not just put our raw expression of ourselves right in the face of the people we engage with.

It is an internal Matrix and we have to solve it the best way we can without compromising our own psychological safety and the psychological safety of others.

It can very well be in the landscape between being plain right honest and being brutally honest. Being brutally honest really requires a self-knowledge that very few people inhabit, so the ‘brutally honest’ often comes out as well wrapped nastiness in a pretty package. That is actually very dishonest. The new age version of that would be: “I think you are an asshole, I hate everything you stand for – Namaste.” Not worth wasting your time on if you get a lot of that.

So again we´re down to getting real and that takes some hard work.

The Matrix mask

Being able to wear a mask will help you deal with the Matrix or control system so it’s all about knowing how to fake it in the Matrix. The mask can help you there; that is one of the reasons  why the Guy Fawkes mask has become a very powerful symbol of contempt of the Control System and everything it stands for.

But in confronting the Matrix we have to estimate our own power or our ability to impact it. Often when we engage personally with it, it can be confronted and altered, but hardly with anger or brutality since the Matrix knows these tools so very well and is way more skilled in using them than we are.

Softness and sweetness will get us far in the Matrix if we´re not putting up a too obvious mask but actually can show the servants of the Matrix some empathy. They will eat that like a stray dog longing for a good bone. So long since they met it last. I´m not talking about an abusive police officer here or some entity confronting your rights or your physical safety. I´m talking about the bureaucrats we meet in the different bodies of the System.
I wrote a bit about that in: ‘Lakes, ghouls and taxes’.

The key to pulling that off is to know the situation you are in or confronted with. It can, in more serious cases, be a choice between the lamb going to the slaughterhouse or the warrior in a combat situation.

There is a middle road here though: The warrior will always assess his strength and most importantly the strength of his enemy. It absolutely makes no sense, going into a battle that might not be even worth taking, if you know your up against something that can take you down with a snap of a finger.

Targeting the Matrix collectively, as some do by putting their strength and wisdom into exposing the lies, deceit and coldness of the Matrix, is another thing. The ones that can do that, without rage, are the ones to trust and learn from in this end of days.

The spiritual mask

I read a headline the other week, something like: “Five easy ways to remember to be spiritual every day.”  Huh? Well, if you need to remind yourself of that, I´m afraid you took the wrong road to the Promised Land.

Spirituality will remind YOU of that, and it’s not even a reminder, it’s an internal dialogue, a dynamic between the deep lake inside of longing, craving for that inner peace between your vision of your own world, the world you’re in, and how those worlds express themselves.

That is the spiritual vortex point that separates the bullshitters from the real deal and that is not even a spiritual problem, it’s the challenge of living a genuine life.

Again I have to say, being ‘spiritual’ is not in any way special, is not in any way better than anything else, since a well grounded and healthy spirituality would know: We´re all in the same boat here, come atheists, Catholics, and what have we. The spiritual snobbiness is really hard to take down, because if we do that, we have to deal with our own conception of specialness.

I have met some really nasty people in the spiritual world, and they are very hard to cope with since their assholeism is so well wrapped up in spiritual glitter and new age spiritual statements that to reason with them is very much like trying to put a diaper on an eel. Slippery people.

SF Source SorenDreier  Dec 2 2014


4 thoughts on “Still The Great Pretender?

  1. How prophetic . . . this share is as applicable (if not actually more so) in this day and time.

    Soren Dreier’s articles nail timelessly recurring issues as he ‘cuts to the chase’ in prose that is profound and at times aptly irreverent while effecting a touch of melancholy in exposing the inherent sadness that we humans often require immense time spans to waken from (engineered ?) slumber.

    Life must be so very frustrating among those who ‘see’ what is happening in real time as the masses continue to sleepwalk along the edge of abyss yet there is a bit of light at the end of the tunnel as it appears that Humanity may presently be in an era of ever-expanding awakening.

    Thanks so very much for this share!

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