Spirit Wishes To Connect

spiritVeronica – We have been asked by many how to connect to the spiritual world.  Most feel it is not available. We would beg to differ.

The spiritual realm is very accessible.  It is those in physical who are often unavailable.

The physical realm is wrought with distraction.  Intense focus upon material items leaves little room for intersection with those in spirit.  Instead of adhering to the hustle bustle of linear, why not slow down a bit to connect to the abundant availability of spirit?

Taking time to smell the flowers is a subtle push to decide to allow less denseness in your life.  Become eager to attach to the possibility that it is indeed available.

Many dismiss the signs from those in spirit.

“It is real?”
“Am I making this up?”

These are the questions internally processed in the human incarnate.  It’s easier to regard it as unattainable.  Something that wishful thinking in a dense physical environment.

Spirit makes many attempts to connect.  They edge their way into physical reality creating orbs and other indications of their presence.

Spirit is ever present.

Spirit wishes to connect.

Why not allow yourself to engage in what some call fantasy.  Some of the best moments are created this way.

Focus on your life, however leave room for the miracles of spirit.

Relax the parameters of your existence to allow access.

You won’t regret it.

SF Source Inner Whispers Oct 2020

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