Third Kavanaugh Accuser Contradicts Affidavit in NBC Interview

Julie Swetnick

Rusty – The third woman to step forward with uncorroborated allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh conducted an interview with NBC News, and made a total fool of herself under questioning.

Julie Swetnick, who had been dug up from the dredges by creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti, could not verify her claims, changed her story, and backtracked on several key points.

NBC News, prior to airing the interview, issued a ‘CYA’ disclaimer that makes viewers wonder why they would give this woman the time of day in the first place.

“NBC News, for the record, has not been able to independently verify her claims,” reporter Kate Snow announced. “There are things she told us on camera that differ from her written statements last week.”

You … you mean a client who was pushed in front of cameras by a porn lawyer might not have been completely truthful? Color me stunned. But this is par for the course for the fanatically anti-Trump media.

Swetnick admitted to Snow that she couldn’t be sure it was Kavanaugh who assaulted her during a party in the 1980s. Why is she news then? Why isn’t she being painted as nothing more than a Tawana Brawley wannabe who’s trying to destroy a man of integrity just to make a quick buck?

Further, one of the key claims in Swetnick’s sworn affidavit is that Kavanaugh allegedly spiked the punch at parties so that groups of boys could rape girls.

Her new claim is that she “saw him around the punch containers,” but “I don’t know what he did.”

Better still, Swetnick gave NBC News a list of four people who she believes could verify her version of events.

Of the four:

♦  One said they did not remember Swetnick.

♦  One was dead.

♦  Two did not respond.

Seems rock solid. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Despite the overwhelming indications that Swetnick’s story is, as Kavanaugh described, “a joke,” Snow said her network would not dismiss her accusations. “We’re not discounting what she said in any way. We’re just doing our reporting. … There are a lot of people working on this,” Snow said.

That’s a dog whistle for ‘we’re working really hard to find something that could possibly corroborate her story no matter how fake it appears.’

Weird though, that they interviewed Swetnick to tell her tall tale but neglected to ‘work on’ a rebuttal interview with Richard Vinneccy, the former boyfriend of Swetnick who revealed, yea, this woman is a bit looney tunes.

Right after I broke up with her, she basically called me many times and at one point she basically said, ‘You will never, ever see your unborn child alive,’” Vinneccy Fox News host Laura Ingraham.

Swetnick would add, “‘I’m just going to go over there and kill you guys,’” according to Vinneccy.

His account is all too believable. As opposed to that of a woman with a history of making sexual misconduct allegations and lying about her background.

Swetnick has an in-depth history of legal tanglings – to the tune of at least six legal cases over the past 25 years.

One company in which she was employed as a software engineer received a report in their human resources department alleging Swetnick had engaged in “unwelcome sexual innuendo and inappropriate conduct” toward two male co-workers.

Odd behavior for somebody traumatized by Kavanaugh’s supposed role in her ‘gang-rape.’

The incident led to the company discovering Swetnick had falsified information on her employment application. Dream witness right there. Nice work, media.

She’s a known career liar, but this time she may have really stepped in it.

More than one person pointed out that she publicly contradicted the affidavit paraded around by her lawyer, Michael Avenatti. Phil Kerpen surmised Swetnick’s interview demonstrates that she should be charged criminally.

The “Senate Judiciary should refer her to DOJ for prosecution and CPL should face sanctions,” Kerpen claimed.

Federalist co-founder Sean Davis concurs, while taking the media to task for ever lending credence to her story.

“Julie Swetnick is a lying slip-and-fall con artist w/ a prostitute’s PR rep for a lawyer,” Davis wrote.

“She deserves to be criminally referred for false statements, and if you gave any credence to a single word she uttered about Kavanaugh, you’re an idiot who has no business in journalism.”

SF Source The Political Insider Oct 2018

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