What’s on YOUR Bookshelf?

Ben Garrison – Hillary just won’t go away. Now she’s subjecting us to her mewling about how unfair things were and how deplorable people were to her. She tells us that she didn’t even bother writing her concession speech. As if she ever wrote anything.


She pays scriptwriters for that. Now another writer has ghostwritten her latest book in which she blames everyone but herself. She even blames Bernie Sanders, from whom she stole the primaries. Sanders, being the politically correct wimp that he is, even supported the thieving witch, but Hillary blamed him regardless. Continue reading

Newly Released Email Shows Bill Clinton Paid $500,000 for Moscow Speech While Hillary Opposed Russia Sanctions


Rusty – A previously leaked e-mail and a suspect coincidence show that Hillary Clinton and the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr. had very similar interests back in 2010.

The reports are leading to further speculation about the former First Lady’s willingness to adopt her political platforms depending on who was willing to pay.

A new Fox News report indicates that Mrs. Clinton and the lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, shared mutual opposition to sanctions against Russia in 2010.

Veselnitskaya’s opposition seems self-explanatory, as her interests clearly were in benefiting her country.

But Clinton’s became a curiosity based on the fact that her husband, former president Bill Clinton, had given a paid speech in Moscow around that time – to the tune of $500,000.

Via Fox News: Continue reading

Clinton Charity is Massive Global Swamp [Video]

charityGreg Hunter – Wall Street financial analyst Charles Ortel has applied the same research skills he does to see if a company has sound solvent accounting to the Clinton charity machine.

Ortel has called the Clintons the “Bonnie and Clyde” of charity fraud.  What does Ortel say now that the Clintons are shutting down there so-called global charity?

Ortel contends, “The Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) was a fraud from the very beginning.  It started in September of 2005 as an interesting idea that you would convene around the time of the U.N. General Assembly in New York.  You would convene world leaders, former government officials, investors, corporate officers and members of the media in closed sessions where you would talk about high sounding topics, and noble people would stand up on stage and say how much good they were going to do under the guise of charity.


The trouble with that is . . . the CGI was an activity so distinct and so different than the main authorized activity of being a library and being a presidential archive based in Little Rock that it should have sought approval from the IRS . . .  and it never did that.”

How big is the Clinton charity fraud? Ortel says, “I fear what happened here is, this fraud in the very beginning, it wasn’t caught.  It was like cancer.  The tumors got bigger and bigger and bigger, and it spread from Arkansas to every state.  Then, it spread around the world.  It touches the Bush arm of the Republican Party, and it certainly touched the Obama wing of the Democrat Party.

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Guess Who Just Nixed ObamaCare and Hillary’s Position On It?

obamacareCatherine J. Frompovich – Since I’m on deadline for a project I must meet within the next two weeks, my articles will have to be fewer, shorter and quickly to the point.  I just could not let this one pass by without sharing it with my readers.

One of my favorite news analysts and commentaries, who also wrote for one of the Internet sites I wrote for in the past, Wayne Allyn Root, just published an Opinion piece at Fox News that, I think, speaks volumes as to the differences between voters:  Their positions on ObamaCare, which falls into 2 basic categories:

  • Category 1:  Those who support ObamaCare and want to expand it: Hillary Clinton
  • Category 2:  Those who want ObamaCare ditched and taken off the books:  Donald Trump

But, here’s the most “unusual” aspect of the above two-some:  Bill Clinton, former U.S. president and husband of the current Democrats’ candidate for president, Hillary Clinton, has made some criticisms that should not be overlooked, which Wayne Allyn Root points out and I share:

Bill summed up everything I’ve been saying and writing for eight long, lonely years. I guess he’s been reading my books. Here are Bill’s words:

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Still Report #1008 – Comey Has Always Supported the Clintons [w/ video]

Bill Still – FBI Director James Comey has been touted for many months by nearly 100% of the mainstream media as a man of impeccable reputation. Someone who will uphold the rule of law. That all came crashing down less than 48 hours ago.
Comey’s roots to President Obama and the Clintons are deep. Comey took his law degree at the Univ. of Chicago – the place where Obama later taught.
From 1987 to 1993, Comey served under Rudy Giuliani in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York where he helped prosecute the Gambino crime family.


In 1996, Comey was selected as deputy special counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee, where, after months of investigations, both Clintons were found innocent of wrong-doing.

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