Patents, Biodiversity, And Genetic Ownership

patentsJoseph P Farrell – On this website and in our members’ vidchats, a number of readers and contributors of articles have been wondering to what extent a patented synthetic life form places a lien on an individual who may wittingly or unwittingly consume it.  Well, if you have any doubts about the ultimate answer to that question and the lengths that Mr. Globaloney and his “technoapparatchikcrats” intend to go, check out the following article shared by V.S.:

Global blueprint exposed: The takeover of all genetic material on Earth

As the article notes, the  “plan” was outlined in a United Nations-sponsored conference (who else?) known as the Brundtland Commission, which was later published by Oxford University Press (who else?), under the title Our Common Future. Continue reading

I.G. Farbensanto At It Again: Seed Exchanges In Africa Under Pressure

seedJoseph P Farrell – It appears that big “agribusiness” – which we less-than-lovingly refer to here on this website as I.G. Farbensanto – is at it once again, using its usual bag of dirty tricks to attempt to outlaw normal seed exchanges in Africa (whew! is that the distinct whiff of imperialism and even racism that I smell here? Sure smells like it). At least, it is if the following article shared by Mr. V.T. is true:

Monsanto and Big Ag Colonizing Africa, Criminalizing Traditional Seed Exchanges

Just in case you missed how utterly draconian their policies are, and how utterly immoral and out of touch with humanity they are, consider these opening paragraphs of the article, noting in particular the use of GMOs as part of John Perkins’ “economic hit man” strategy:

Of the many concerns surrounding the dominance of agrichemicals companies and GMO foods, the most frightening dimension is that corporate manufactured seed is wiping out global biodiversity in food crops and creating a punitive legal framework for our total dependence on these companies for food. Continue reading