Mind Blowing Facts About Your Body

bodyThe human body is even more impressive and magnificent than you can imagine.

While we may sometimes look at it and see how weak and fragile it is, we also need to realize the mind blowing wonders we all hold inside ourselves.

When our body works, we do not feel, or even notice it is doing anything special, however, it is.

As we go about our daily lives like nothing is happening, the body is working, using power, and healing.

Here are 7 mind blowing facts about your body.

1. Your brain operates on the same amount of power as a 10 watt light bulb

The human brain uses about 200 kilocalories per day, which equates to approximately 10 watts of power. For comparison’s sake, that’s about 10 percent of the power that it takes to run a 100-watt light bulb. So the cartoon image of a light bulb over your head when a great thought occurs isn’t too far off the mark. Your brain generates as much energy as a small light bulb even when you’re sleeping.

2. Every 7 years your body completely replaces itself

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The Most Powerful Exercise to Purify and Rejuvenate the Body and Mind

breathingShems Heartwell – The way you breathe is the way you live. Breathing is absolutely essential to life, but it’s often overlooked as a necessity for good health. Full, free breathing is one of the most powerful keys to enhancing physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

Breathing fully and freely is our birthright. If you watch a baby breathe, you will see the beauty and simplicity of flow in the body. With each inhale, the baby’s belly fills with air like a balloon, the pelvis rocks, the legs open, the chest rises and then falls, like swells across the ocean. This is natural, oceanic full-body breathing. It is the way we were meant to breathe.

Breathing effortlessly, a baby lives fully and freely in the now, in the expansiveness of the moment. There is no past to remember, no future to plan for or worry about. Each breath is a process of receiving from the universe and giving back to it. With each inhale, she receives and takes life in. With each exhale, she lets go and gives back. She is in touch with and part of the essential rhythm of life.

“Full, free breathing is one of the most powerful keys to enhancing physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.”

The baby doesn’t know or do this consciously, but simply experiences an inherent peace, joy, and connectedness with all things. Of course, a baby will also experience needs and be heavily influenced by the environment that she is in. She will have emotional outbursts or cries for attention, but what is important to notice is how easily a baby will settle back into a relaxed state of calm and peace. Much like animals, children have a great capacity for resilience. In one moment they may be screaming and then after a brief reassuring glance or embrace, settle back into a deep peace and calm.

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Could Talking to Your Body Be the Answer to Your Health Complaints?

Carolanne Wright – Have no doubt, the mind can be a powerful healing tool. And science is beginning to acknowledge what shamans, healers, intuitives and spiritual masters have known for a millennia. Researchers like Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. have shown that our thoughts, whether conscious or not, have a profound impact on our bodies — right down to the cellular level and our very DNA. Time and again, it has been demonstrated that when we harbor ill will toward ourselves with negative self-talk and beliefs, our well-being and health will eventually suffer. Fortunately, the reverse is also true. When we hold ourselves in unconditional, genuine love — miracles happen as a matter of course.

Take the story of a woman suffering from stage IV cancer. Her body was ravaged from conventional therapy — she had lost her hair and a tremendous amount of weight, had aged rapidly and was in pain. She was essentially dying. Late one night, as she stood in front of the mirror, looking at her emaciated body, she was struck with incredible, wholehearted compassion for herself. She began talking lovingly to her body, as she would to a small, frightened child, telling it how much she loved it. She also expressed regret that she hadn’t shown her body true love and respect earlier. Her conversation went on for quite some time. She went to bed feeling a peace and contentedness that she hadn’t felt in many years. As she tells it, this was the beginning of her astounding recovery.

Every thought counts

Normally we don’t pay much attention to the thoughts spinning around in our head — which is a big mistake. Here’s why. The negative self-talk humming in the background of our brain is being heard — by our cells, 24/7. As Ian Brown rightly points out in Useful Things To Be Saying To Your Cells: “Cells are hoarders — of emotions, of thoughts, and of previous experiences — and nothing is given up unless you tell them to let go.”

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Who’s Living Whom? Bacterial Cells vs. Human Cells in the Body

Kombucha tea

Makia Freeman – The bacterial-human cell ratio in the body is quite astounding, if you didn’t already know it. Did you realize that the amount of bacteria in your body vastly outnumber everything else?The bacterial-human cell ratio is estimated to be around 10:1! That means for every human cell in your body, there are roughly 10 bacterial cells. So who’s living whom? Who’s in charge? It’s certainly not the human “you”, because you only have one eleventh of the numbers (although human cells are far larger and heavier). The bacterial-human cell ratio reaffirms the importance of having a healthy bio-terrain (i.e. having the right balance of, and an abundance of, healthy bacteria in your body), which is what many alternative and holistic healing modalities teach. Ultimately, it also lends weight to the idea that it is your body’s bio-terrain or inner environment that determines your state of health and immunity – not whether you are exposed to a particular bacterium or virus as is the prevailing view in Western Medicine.

You Need Bacteria!

Right from the moment we are born, we start to collect bacteria; mostly from our mothers, but also from putting anything we see into our mouths. These bacteria or microbiomes make their way into our stomach and intestines where they set up camp. It is though that there are over 500 species living in the guts of an average adult, and the majority belong to two phyla, the Firmicutes (such as Staphylococcus and Clostridium) and the Bacteroidetes. Just as the Human Genome Project was an attempt to map the entire human genome, the Human Microbiome Project is an ongoing attempt to map, identify and comprehend the complex web of bacteria residing in the human body. Continue reading

Humanity to Win

earthDana Mrkich – This morning I’m feeling to talk about the desire so many people have (or used to have), to go ‘home’, to leave this ‘restrictive’ physical body, to be done with life on this planet Earth where so much is hidden from us, and where humanity is repressed on purpose.

Your body is not restrictive. It is not holding you back from flying forward into the full potential of who you are. You have been made to believe it is. It is a gift. You can take your body with you into this New Earth we are all creating.

The New Earth is not a new place. It is right here. It is a new consciousness, a new awareness, a new realisation, and a new collective EMBODIMENT of who we really are. Embodiment as in, living this new reality and new consciousness IN our bodies.

Our Earth is not restrictive. She is not holding us back. We have been made to believe she is. She has all we need and nothing would make her happier than for us to use what she has to offer in a GOOD way, to acknowledge her, value her and honour her in respectful ways. If we don’t, well we can’t blame her for wanting to shake us off. But really it is like the relationship between Mother and Child. She doesn’t really want to shake us off, she wants us to thrive and be happy and healthy. As she grows and evolves, she wants us to grow and evolve with her. Continue reading