Fasten Your Seatbelts: March 24-31 Week Ahead Forecast

“This is what it feels like to be brilliantly achingly alive. Alive in the shatter. Alive in the empty. This is what it is to belong to things we cannot possibly understand. This is what it is to trust in the terrifying wisdom of our own becoming” Jeanette Le Blanc

Fasten Your Seatbelts March 24-31 Week Ahead ForecastLorna Bevan – Thanks to a rare celestial Compression- where all the Copernican planets apart from the constantly moving Moon are tightly sandwiched across only 4 signs out of 12 between Pluto in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus – this is a moment of great possibility and also high stakes when the old slips away into the ethers and the new is poised in immanence.

Be prepared for the timelines to shift then shift again in the seismic field of the eclipse tunnel between March 25- April 8th- a time warp of fractals, non- linear events and Chironic life shocks, amplified by Trickster Mercury turning retrograde in Aries from April 8-25th followed by the rare electric Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Taurus on April 22nd Continue reading

The End Times Are Upon Us

The End Times Are Upon Us. And they Will Be Our Salvation!Open – Gaia, the Soul of the Earth, has shifted gears and begun to extract her energies from the Alien Annunaki Construct that has so suppressed and limited lives on the planet.

Over the aeons, plenty of mystics have spoken of the cyclical Solar Nova “Event” that builds with the galaxy to cleanse broken realities away. In recent times, especially since the onset of the bogus pandemic, we have been building toward an activation mechanism to unravel the matrix we’re living in. I put it to you, those End Times have now been triggered.

In recent weeks, a dramatic gear change in the energies of Gaia has begun. But rather than be in fear and trepidation, it will be humanity’s salvation.

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