A Very British Coup d’État [Video]

 Coup d'État Alexandra Bruce – If members of Congress and in mainstream news outlets from the New York Times to CNN seem to be speaking in unison, reading from the same script with the same talking points, and if the absurd clampdown on the Internet and the tech giants’ mass de-platformings of those pushing back against this narrative seem to be coordinated, it’s because they are! The populations of Russia, China, Western Europe and the US have been targeted in a rapid-response black propaganda information warfare operation of British Intelligence. Continue reading

Wall Street Behind Brazil Coup d’Etat

Prof Michel Chossudovsky – Control over monetary policy and macro-economic reform was the ultimate objective of the Coup d’Etat. The key appointments from Wall Street’s standpoint are the Central Bank, which dominates monetary policy as well as foreign exchange transactions,  the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Brazil (Banco do Brasil).

On behalf of Wall Street and the “Washington consensus”, the interim post coup “government” of Michel Temer has appointed a former Wall Street CEO (with U.S citizenship) to head the Ministry of Finance.

Henrique de Campos Meirelles, a former President of FleetBoston Financial’s Global Banking (1999-2002) and former head of the Central Bank under Lula’s presidency was appointed minister of finance on May 12.

centralIlan Goldfajn [Goldfein] (right) appointed to head the Central Bank, was chief economist of Itaú, Brazil’s largest private bank. Goldfajn [Goldfein] has close ties to both the IMF and the World Bank. He is a financial crony of Meirelles.

Historical Background 

Brazil’s currency system under the Real is heavily dollarised. Internal debt operations are conducive to a rising external debt. Wall Street is intent upon maintaining Brazil in a monetary straightjacket.

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