Transcending Self

deathSince your life has become
A loud self-proclamation-drum,
How will you ever feel the joy
Of a transcendence-satisfaction-life? – Sri Chinmoy

Shock and awe

Elva Thompson – What a full frontal shock it is when the horror and brutality of this sacrificial reality becomes self- evident, and we are called upon by life itself to change our thinking and perspective. What a shock it is to realise that we are alive amongst the half-dead: the third dimensional fractals of Impostor Consciousness, the materialistic selfish mind and its false sense of entitlement to take and defile anything it wants.

Two kinds of awakening

There are two polarities of awakening, and even though they may share an ideal, their energy is fundamentally very different; one is ego based, exclusive and self important, while the other is heart based, self-less and inclusive.

Birth pangs

“When she transformed into a butterfly, the caterpillars spoke not of her beauty, but of her weirdness. They wanted her to change back into what she always had been. But she had wings.” Dean Jackson

Awakening for the heart based person is a very painful process, and we can be lonely in our new found understanding. Often we are faced with disbelief and hostility by those close to us who cannot understand our sudden change of view. Continue reading

Self-help guru Wayne W. Dyer dies at 75

WayneDyerGreg Toppo – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, the best-selling self-help guru and author of 30 books, died late Saturday, his family and publisher said. He was 75.

A posting on Dyer’s Facebook page said: “Wayne has left his body, passing away through the night. He always said he couldn’t wait for this next adventure to begin and had no fear of dying. Our hearts are broken, but we smile to think of how much our scurvy elephant will enjoy the other side.”

The posting was signed by his family. Within an hour, it had been shared more than 32,000 times.

Dyer died Saturday night in Maui, Hawaii, Reid Tracy, chief executive of Dyer’s publisher, Hay House, told NBC News. The cause of death wasn’t immediately reported, but he had been diagnosed with leukemia several years ago.

In an interview posted to the KPBS-TV, San Diego, website in 2012 after his leukemia diagnosis, Dyer said he’d begun looking at the illness as “just the body’s way of responding to, perhaps, psychological traumas, you know, from failed relationships in the past, or whatever it is, and that the body just always knows what it’s doing — and the body is perfect.”

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Ronna Star – AA Michael August 2015 Message

lightBeloved masters, on the earthly plane, humans rejoice at the birth of a child, for it is indeed a miracle of creation, and they mourn the death of a loved one, for they feel a personal loss of that person from their midst. However, death is also a miracle and, from a spiritual point of view, it is a time of rejoicing, for it is a time of returning to a truer STATE OF BEING.
We have often spoken of diminished consciousness, and most of you are now aware that the ascension process entails expanding your awareness to integrate all the Facets of conscious expression. As you have often heard, you are not just a human being with a Soul; you are a wondrous Being who has experienced a tremendous variety of physical expressions of consciousness.

In ancient times, when you experienced the material realms in semi-solid or in solid form to varying degrees (while in the Higher-Fourth and Lower-Fifth Dimensions, either on Earth or other planets in your solar system or galaxy), you kept the same form for a much longer time than you do now. In fact, you kept the same physical vessel for thousands of years by your timekeeping. The transition process and the relinquishing of a physical vessel at the end of a lifetime were as natural as discarding a suit of old clothes. Death as you now know it did not exist until humanity sank into the density of the Lower Fourth and Third Dimensions, and you forgot that your sojourn on Earth was only a very small interlude amongst a vast array of experiences while on your wondrous journey throughout the cosmos.

After a special farewell ceremony, the departing Soul stepped into a special Fountain of Transition where the Violet Flame of Transformation blazed brightly (the Violet Flame is not hot as you may imagine, but cool and soothing). Then he/she was immediately transported to the appropriate Higher Dimensional environment.

Those who were left behind in the physical realm could communicate telepathically with their departed loved ones, and they knew that they would meet again sometime in the future. They also knew that they could interact while in their Etheric Body with their loved ones during their nightly sojourns, for their nightly travels were as real and memorable as their daytime experiences.

Some time in the future, humanity will cease to fear death and will understand that it is a natural part of the amazing, ever-evolving creative process. There is a natural flow of birth, death/transition, rest and assimilation, and rebirth in order to experience the wondrous variety of shapes, sizes, forms and realities available to you as a cocreator. In the meantime, you must release many of your old fixed ideas and taboos about death and the hereafter, and know that the life you are now experiencing is only a moment in universal time. Continue reading

Mainstream Media – Patient Zero In The Fear Pandemic

“Consciousness and awareness play a fundamental role in creating reality, meaning, in essence, that thoughts become things. In our fractal universe, what we think about and focus our attention on becomes manifest in some way, and whatever picture for the future we conjure up in our heads, will ultimately contribute to our destiny. ” – S Fraud

EbolaScareGhanaIt may just be that fear is more contagious than Ebola or any other disease, and becoming immune to the mass hysteria and irrational pandemic fear constantly being stoked in media and ‘current events’ is imperative.

Our natural, most beneficial state of being is one of stillness, joy, and attention to the present moment. We know this to be true when we sit in meditation, quiet the mind, and effortlessly tap into a divine, unshakeable and eternal peace. Science has proven that calm mental states are extremely beneficial to human health, fortifying the immune system, dissolving anxiety, reducing stress, and bringing happiness. The human being functions optimally when in a positive emotional state, free of stress.

Today, though, life is anything but a meditation, and popular media has become the pulpit for psychological terror and for the dissemination of maximum anxiety and confusion. The result of this is chaos in the mind, chaos in the body, disconnection from spirit, and mass hysteria in society at large. 

Kings of Persuasion

The man who orchestrated the commercialization of our culture, Edward Bernays, felt that public relations was an ‘applied social science,’ and with it, he proved that it is possible to dramatically and rapidly influence public opinion, buying habits, fashion habits, voting habits, attitudes, and anything else.

He regarded himself as a professional opinion maker who, by following precise principles, could produce desired changes in attitudes. [Source] Continue reading

What Would You Take With You To The Afterlife?

Life, Death, Out-Of-Body Experiences And The Journey Of Consciousness


What is the greatest mystery of life? According to a legendary Q&A in the Indian spiritual epic the Mahabharata, the greatest wonder is that countless people die every day, yet those left behind believe they will live forever.

There is a well-known saying that the only certainty in life is death, but our hyper-connected modern society is not exactly inspiring much reflection on what lies beyond the transient.

People put aside savings for retirement, and some take out life insurance to take care of the loved ones they leave behind. This looks after physical needs, but what about the needs of consciousness which continues without the body? What preparations are made for its journey after death – the ultimate journey of a lifetime?

Religious institutions offer a solution to their followers that usually depends on adopting a set of beliefs rather than personal spiritual discovery.  On the other hand, some scientists will tell you with equal conviction that nothing comes after death, so don’t worry about it. Both of these points of view depend on belief, but what if, when the final moment comes, you realise you wasted the great opportunity your life provided? An alternative option is to discover for ourselves why we are here, and what  our place in the universe is, while we are alive and have the opportunity to do something with the knowledge we gain.

Ancient spiritual cultures almost universally placed importance on the individual’s preparations and journey into the afterlife. They clearly understood our existence extended beyond our bodies, and that life and death were best seen with the bigger picture of creation in mind – as part of an ongoing journey of consciousness – with life presenting an amazing opportunity for conscious evolution that we take the fruits from after death.

This was bought home to me in an interesting way during a trip to a museum exhibition showcasing ancient Egyptian afterlife cosmology; it reminded me of the universal nature of the afterlife, and how Near-Death Experiences and Out-of-Body Experiences offer us a glimpse into the reality of existence beyond the body, revealing that awakening consciousness is what creation is really all about. Continue reading