Listen to the Signs from the Universe

Listen to the Signs from the Universe Daniel Scranton – “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited to bring you this status update, this progress report. We have noticed that more and more people are able to receive the energies that are coming in to serve all of you because of the opportunities that they are taking to open up and receive.

The universe is bringing those who are ready opportunity after opportunity to slow down, to relax, to do less and receive more, and we can see that the vast majority of those people are listening to the signs. Continue reading

The Objective Of A Patchwork Multiverse

dimensionalGillian MacBeth Louthan – Most humans try hard. They are sincere and good-hearted, going out of their way to do good. So why are they not showered in blessings like an Antarctica snowstorm? Where does all that good (or bad) go?

If multi-dimensional existences, parallel worlds and other selves exist simultaneously throughout time, without ending, what role does our earth self play? It is in this dimensional place we must rest on our hunches and trust our gut. For in the multiverse one has no regrets.

Every inch, every thought, every want or desire is lived out in another place, another frequency of the ultra-dimensional you. The you that did not finish college. The you that did not marry. The you that had 12 children and was widowed. Every thing you have ever thought hard and long about has acquired life in other dimensional fields. For that dear ones is the objective of the patchwork multiverse.

When you do not find what you seek in this dimensional form, whether perfect mate, perfect body, perfect home, know in your heart of hearts that it is being executed in another place. Another you.

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