Discernment – Navigating The Spiritual Minefield

Christina Lavers – There is so much spiritual information floating around of varying quality, and for people who are just starting to awaken and connect with the spiritual aspects of life, it can be a challenge to discern the true gems from the trash.

I decided to compile some tips I have pieced together in relation to seeking external information and mentoring along my journey, and share it here today in hopes it helps others on their path to navigate the ‘spiritual minefield’.

Of course there are many fantastic teachers and teachings out there… finding them is all about discernment.

The Proponent of  Light

This is someone who focuses on love and light. Their words of love ring true and make us feel warm and fuzzy. Their messages are filled with hope and positivity. They encourage the seeker to repel negativity, and become love and light. Their doctrines, however, dispense a neutered version of spirituality. Their practices can make the seeker feel good, feel like we are participating in something profound, without actually enabling true deep transformation.

The problem is that while some of what they say may be true, they are actually missing half of the picture. Balance is crucial in healthy spiritual development. And while it is great to celebrate the beautiful, light-filled aspects of being, it is also crucial to explore and integrate the dark aspects of ourselves. When the darkness is ignored or pushed away, it remains unresolved and continues to burden us at an unconscious level.  Only through integration of our own darkness can we truly become realized beings, reflections of the whole.

You Are Special

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Knowledge Is Power – The Benefits Of Conscious Awareness

“Nature favors the brave. Have heart on your quest for knowledge.” S Elkhaldy

Why is knowledge power? How does awareness give you more free will?

When a person chooses willful ignorance over obtaining knowledge and becoming more aware of themselves and the world, they do not gain any immunity by this free will choice. Instead, they leave themselves under the rule of the “General Law” otherwise known as The Matrix.

In that level of being, you are bound by all the mechanical laws of this reality. You have no higher consciousness, therefore no higher connection, and you function from a somnambulistic, sleep-like/trance state of mind, which makes you easily manipulated and gives you no individual fate (since fate is tied to persons with a connection to something “higher”). Therefore, you share the collective “fate” of the sleep reality, because you have made no choice with your own freewill to become consciously aware.

But, when one utilizes their free will to choose awareness, they are protected on 3 fronts:

1) Application: A person who chooses to actively apply their gained knowledge to make better choices, ultimately leads to protecting themselves.

A simple illustration of this would be if someone begins to research GMOs. The understanding of this information has led them to seek out healthier quality food sources and now opened up a door to changing their entire outlook on the body and on health. This is applying your knowledge, and is the most basic form of aligning your free will with better choices, based on your knowledge.

2) Discernment: A person who chooses to become more conscious, is better able to both utilize and exercise their discernment. Continue reading

What Is Your Energy Saying To You?

danamrkich2Our energy is speaking to us loud and clear this year. Well it always has, only we are now hearing it and feeling it in a stronger way. When energies are super high as they will be from now on in, everything within us and in our lives that is not true to how our souls would like us to be is highlighted, felt more intensely, seen more clearly and often released or changed completely with or without our conscious desire. So, depending on your perspective this can feel totally liberating, or leave you feeling quite dishevelled.

Inner and outer turmoil forces us to ask the questions: What needs to change? What do I need more of? What do I want less of?

We are really being called to be true to our heart and soul this year more than ever. So when you are feeling flat and exhausted it’s a good opportunity to ask yourself:

– What is out of balance here? What am I doing too much of? Or too little of? Am I giving out more than I am receiving? You can’t be of any use to anyone with an empty cup. Take time to fill yourself with things that nourish you. It can be as simple as having your cup of tea in a really special cup, going outside for 5 minutes, or taking time out to check your inner emails by way of journaling, meditation or some freestyle crayon drawing/painting.

If you find yourself feeling hyper-sensitive or hyper-emotional (not just now but anytime in this coming year), there is a message there for you somewhere:

– Are you holding on to an outdated belief, emotion, perspective, habit etc that is past its expiry date and wants to be let go of asap? It will no longer feel good, a hundred times more than usual.

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Laura Bruno ~ Discernment Reminders

iceage_flowerI have posted (and reposted) these Seven Discernment Reminders before, but given the intensity of our times, these reminders need to go up again. Many people — myself included — are facing decisions with potentially enormous impact. To outside observers, those decisions might seem odd, fear-based, out of left field or downright crazy. That’s why it’s so important to clear our energy fields, pray for extremely clear guidance, pay attention to our surroundings and our inner terrain .. and … perhaps most importantly: to be honest with ourselves about what we do or do not seek.

If what we seek happens to differ radically from what those around us would seek in our place, what matters (as in creates matter/reality) is actually what we seek, on our deepest levels. Surface layers of “liberation” may not represent the deepest levels for us. Best to know what those are before making life-altering decisions. 😉 As Abraham-Hicks says, “Follow the Relief.” When you make a decision and that peace which surpasses all understanding covers you, then you know you’re on the right track for you, right now.

Seven Discernment Reminders

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