Michael A. Bedar ~ Is Choice Lost? Microchips To Administer Drugs, Replace Pills

NaturalNews  April 25 2014

MicrochippingAccording to reports from CNN, people who use pharmaceutical drugs, but who don’t like having to remember, think, exercise their personal agency, or make their own proactive choices throughout their day, may soon be able to get their medications automatically administered via an implanted chip.

MIT researchers and a company called MicroCHIPS are developing a chip smaller than a square inch in area, which can be preloaded with drugs. It can release drugs into your body in given doses and time intervals, programmed according to “doctor’s orders” – while your mind wanders on “more important” things.

When the dosage or intervals need to be changed, the microchips would be able to be adjusted remotely by the doctor, says the report. The chips, already tested in patients withe osteoporosis since 2012, will have the ability to transmit real-time information to create a permanent record of exactly what dose was administered when, along with other medical information. Expected to be released in 2017, the chips may be able to function wirelessly in the body for 16 years.

When “at risk for a heart attack,” this device can “rescue” you, says the report. MicroCHIPS CEO Bradley Paddock says, “The MicroCHIPS implantable drug delivery device is the greatest advancement in delivering medicine since the first tablet pill was developed in 1876.”

What could possibly go wrong?

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