The Orchestra Of Reality: Science, Spirituality And Symbolism

” . . . the fundamental nature of reality gives rise to the internal and external worlds and that neither mind nor matter are primary as they’re both reflections of what truly is.” – P Watt

EnlightenmentManPhil Watt – I am an ‘ordinary’ native, yet for near half of my life I have experienced an extraordinary interconnection with the external world. Some might call it spirituality, others might call it being tapped in and some simply classify it as religion or the paranormal.

But in fact the blurring of the lines between one person’s mind and the rest of reality has been called many things by many cultures and traditions who have attempted to explain it over the course of humanity’s history.

No matter what you call this world-wide and timeless phenomenon, most people have personally had extraordinary experiences, too. Continue reading

The Path and Art of Being

EarthJennifer Hoffman – If someone asks us who we are we often respond with a description of what we do-we’re an artist, writer, musician, teacher, parent, counselor, etc.

It’s very hard, if not impossible, to describe ourselves without including something about what we do in the world because this is how people can connect to and understand us. It’s also how we connect with and understand ourselves because we know ourselves as humans by what we do. Continue reading

The Winds of Change are the Only Constant!

Alec Christos GabbitasEarthKeeping your faith when the road becomes drear is always a test for the heart and more so for the innermost soul. It is quite pleasing and ‘easy’ as all is free flowing and going our way, so to speak. The testing time arrives when the way becomes a little challenging and that which we thought was running so well now shows the reverse side of the equation and we are having to dig deep into our heart and soul to stay afloat and keep balanced.

These are the times when we have the opportunity to show our true grit and to realize our own fine potential as we face the discomfort ahead with a firm resolve and our heads held high. Yes, walking our talk and standing tall, to be counted. Continue reading

The Play of Deception and Illusion of the 3D Game

control gridJoe Weaver  – Hello all, I’ve been watching very closely what the next card our friends of deception will be playing. There are a lot of things currently playing out. From a trillion dollar lawsuit that is being waged by a group of countries, to the pending invasions of more countries, to the continued actions to try and collapse the world economies.

There is a lot of stuff going on in the 3D game. It’s like a Hollywood movie or grand play with an orchestrated series of events planned out to happen over a period of time. All meant to keep the minds of the people looking outwards for dependence and focused on fear. Instead of allowing them to look within for independence, love, empowerment and solidarity. The only determining factor of how this movie/grand play, plays out is what reactions that the orchestrated events get out of the people. Continue reading

The Power Of Thought Molds Experienced Reality

consciousnessEric Janovsky – First of all we need to understand the power of the consciousness and how it molds our reality. This is the first lesson of understanding how we can change the present cycle we are living in.

Most people are beginning to realize the power of the mind and how easy it is to control situations and our environments and ultimately the outcome of life itself.

Scientists today are starting to learn that our consciousness creates matter. So in effect we create our own reality. We are all controlled much more than we think and if only we knew the rules of our consciousness and how we have come by the life we lead, we would be more in control of the world and it would be a happier place to live. We would have far more abundance, there would be no starvation, and no wars, religions would unite. We would understand that we are not alone and never have been. Continue reading