What Really Happens When You Look at the Night Sky

What Really Happens When You Look at the Night SkyDaniel Scranton – “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are taking a multi-pronged approach to helping humanity at this time. We have those of you that we reach directly, like Daniel here, along with those of you we reach indirectly, such as the ones who are receiving this transmission. We also have all who are connecting with us through astral travel, and some of those are in the first two groups as well. We are reaching many individuals who have no interest in us or in any ET group through the energies that we transmit through the red giant known as Arcturus itself. Continue reading

2024 Eclipse Cycle Opens

2024 Eclipse Cycle OpensAilia Mira – Welcome to the first Eclipse Cycle of 2024. We’re already feeling the energies and this afternoon (Friday, March 22) there were 2, M-Class Solar Flares, which kicks everything off in a big way. 🔥✨

Eclipse cycles are always about transformation.

Eclipses are part of the fuel of our ascension. They always provide an opportunity and the energetic support to release things, to complete things, and to shift into things that are more aligned with your higher potential and your higher path for expression. Continue reading