Transformation and Expansion in a new Cycle of Space/Time

Lions Gate 2022Celia Fenn – Beloved Light Family on Earth, it has been a time of rapid change and transition on the Earth in the last six months! Since the Aquarius Gate in February, you entered into a period of accelerated frequency and personal “expansion”.

This was felt at the big shifts of the 22nd February and the 22nd March, as well as the Eclipses and the Equinox and the Solstice, and more recently the 6/6/6 and 7/7 Portals.

Each shift has brought you to a higher and finer frequency, so that you are ready to make a quantum “leap” as you transit the Lions Gate in late July and August.  The 8/8 will be a pinnacle moment when you will step forward into the “expanded” version of yourself. Continue reading

Expanding Fortune

fortuneDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright.  This week we have, over the weekend actually, kind of a watery moon, highly psychic moon energy and a chance to work with the expansion of Fortune and a few other things.

So I think that is primarily what I’ll talk about is Fortune expanding.  Focus on anything really.  You can take a coin put it in front of you, put it on a tabletop or something and then just gaze at the coin until it seems to grow very large.  You can do that with anything in nature, you know, a flower petal, a bird’s feather that they gifted you from the sky, a beautiful crystal, anything that you want to play with.   Continue reading

As It Is, So Are We

universeZen Gardner – Mankind is an experiment. No experiment can go wrong as they are simply experiments. We exist in a conscious universe, one of innumerable coexisting universes. Since the creative universe is conscious we know intention is involved. A sequence of choices or agreements were made of some fashion to bring this world and our habitation of it into being. This includes our own willing agreement since we too are fractals of eternal consciousness in a loving Universe.

The experiment on our planet and perhaps others in our Universe is to see what would happen when an infinitely gifted awareness with free will was dropped into a lower density existence where it experiences limitation and a temporary forgetfulness of its true state. What would this race respond to? How would it react? What would it do, with the added gift of Gaia as its beautiful home? Continue reading

Ascension and Truth

truthsJennifer Hoffman – Ascension is first and foremost the willingness to accept new truths, about ourselves, our potential and possibilities, about humanity — who we are, individually and collectively, about the world, and our universe. It is a step out into new realities which requires that we open our hearts and minds to the possibility that our world is far different than we can know and that we are far different than we can imagine within the context of our current truths. It is our belief that ascension is something that happens to us, instead of something that we actively participate in and is part of our truth transformation, which prevents us from realizing that truth is part of the process and so is our willingness to expand, accept, and embrace new truths.

Ascension is not a sudden leap into a new reality but a steady progression that is the byproduct of different shifts in perception and awareness. We embrace new truths when our current reality cannot fulfill a new truth we want to align with and integrate. For example, a new truth that we deserve to be happy invites a shift when our current life situation cannot expand to accommodate new levels of happiness. Or, we now believe that we deserve a job better working conditions, more pay, and to feel appreciated and our current job won’t provide that. Our new truths invite ascension into new realities.

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2016 Astrological Forecast

yearLaurie Baum – Season’s Greetings! Many heartfelt wishes to you for a peaceful, harmonious, loving & prosperous Season & New Year of 2016!

The Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, arrives on Monday, December 21, 2015. The Winter Solstice is a time to celebrate the return of the light as the days will start to be longer after the solstice arrives.

The days leading up to the Solstice provide an auspicious opportunity to use prayer, meditation, and affirmations to focus on positive outcomes you would like to create. The power of the changing angle of the Sun intensifies the power of your thoughts, which enables you to make much spiritual, mental, emotional, and material progress at this time. It is a law of physics that light is most powerful when it bends, as the Sun’s light does at every Solstice and Equinox. Use this time to make progress in spheres of life that are important to you!

2016 Yearly Forecast

The beginning of every new century, and especially every new millennium (i.e. 2000) gives birth to growing pains that ultimately define a new—and higher—chapter of human history. Like a plant that has outgrown its pot, our collective world has outgrown its present patterns and structures, and is breaking the old form to create a new one. A period of struggle typically ensues at the start of every new century, such as we are in now. In our case, old power structures (government, corporate, economic) are trying to hold on to their forms, just as the pot struggles to retain its shape as the roots and branches break through. This tension between the old and and new can cause struggle, which we see abundantly in our world today. Yet, like a plant that always grows toward the light, we too are growing toward the light, despite temporary appearances to the contrary. Continue reading