2016 Astrological Forecast

yearLaurie Baum – Season’s Greetings! Many heartfelt wishes to you for a peaceful, harmonious, loving & prosperous Season & New Year of 2016!

The Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, arrives on Monday, December 21, 2015. The Winter Solstice is a time to celebrate the return of the light as the days will start to be longer after the solstice arrives.

The days leading up to the Solstice provide an auspicious opportunity to use prayer, meditation, and affirmations to focus on positive outcomes you would like to create. The power of the changing angle of the Sun intensifies the power of your thoughts, which enables you to make much spiritual, mental, emotional, and material progress at this time. It is a law of physics that light is most powerful when it bends, as the Sun’s light does at every Solstice and Equinox. Use this time to make progress in spheres of life that are important to you!

2016 Yearly Forecast

The beginning of every new century, and especially every new millennium (i.e. 2000) gives birth to growing pains that ultimately define a new—and higher—chapter of human history. Like a plant that has outgrown its pot, our collective world has outgrown its present patterns and structures, and is breaking the old form to create a new one. A period of struggle typically ensues at the start of every new century, such as we are in now. In our case, old power structures (government, corporate, economic) are trying to hold on to their forms, just as the pot struggles to retain its shape as the roots and branches break through. This tension between the old and and new can cause struggle, which we see abundantly in our world today. Yet, like a plant that always grows toward the light, we too are growing toward the light, despite temporary appearances to the contrary. Continue reading

Transformation triggers on over-drive!

feelingDana Mrkich – Solar flares? Nope. Huge astrological alignments? Not really. Crazy, mega intense, huge, fast and furious energies around this week? Yes indeedy!

Heart palpitations, adrenalin racing, unexpected happenings and conversations coming out of left-field, feeling like a Mack truck is slamming into us repeatedly, albeit the “I’m doing this for your own good” kind, and wondering how on Earth it is only Tuesday night when it feels like SO much has changed since Monday morning? You are not alone.

I don’t have any answers as to where this energy is coming from. It’s not quite the usual ‘Wave: Incoming!” feeling I get. You have to wonder if someone over at HAARP got a little trigger happy: “What would happen if I push this button on High??” Whatever the Source, the good news is that the energy feels to be abating significantly now. The other good news is, as uncomfortable as these past couple of days may have been for some of you, they have been some of THE most powerful days I can remember in terms of positive shifts and leaps forward. Continue reading

Allow Self Expansion & Avoid Self Judgment

ascensionJennifer Hoffman – This is an Archangel Uriel channeled message.

The expansion of your purpose and potential now provides clarity and understanding of your journey and how you have been participated in this great ascension mission. The many aspects of your ‘self’ come forward in divine timing and with right purpose, to complete healing cycles, release karmic bonds, and re-establish your divine blueprint. But as you become aware of more powerful potentials you believe that you  have made mistakes and judge your actions as wrong or misguided. Yet your willingness to experience pain and suffering as part of the ascension cycle have been a gift to Source so ascension could occur. Now you are free to move into new aspects of your self but only if you avoid judgment of the path you have chosen as your lesson and your gift.

The responsibility for ascension belongs to all of humanity but those who are aware of its nature, importance, and purpose, the light beacons, light and energy workers, the healers, empaths, and the open hearted, have been willing to assume the extra responsibility of fulfilling the more complex aspects of ascension such as the completion of healing cycles, the end of karma, and expanding 3D portals into multi-dimensionality.

You may know this responsibility as a feeling that something ‘better’ is possible, that more joy is available, that there can be peace and harmony in the world, and that love and compassion are possible. Before you can expand you must know limitation. And before you can experience the freedom of higher dimensions, you must know the limitations of fear and lower frequencies. You know that expanding into higher frequencies is possible because that is your true state of being. But to bring this awareness and experience to humanity you had to begin from ignorance of your divinity and power and create the expanded path. The teacher must be authentic in their experience in order to be a way-shower for others. Continue reading

5 Ways To Expand Your Consciousness When Feeling Depressed

lifeAletheia Luna – If you have felt depressed for a long period of time you know precisely what it feels like; it is as though life has slowed down, lost its vibrancy and color and sense of expansiveness. If you are depressed you might feel spiritless as if you are numb, hollow and empty inside and each waking moment makes you feel more and more diminished rather than expanded.

Feeling depressed makes us lose touch with the joy of living and throughout our lives we all, to some extent, experience this loss. While some of us get back in touch with the vibrancy of living, others of us continue to struggle – mostly against ourselves.

When I went through my own heavy bout of depression I was completely unaware at the time that the reason why I felt so oppressed was not because of other people victimizing me or life punishing me, but rather the endless barrage of toxic self-talk, festering core beliefs and deep unresolved core wounds inside that were making my life a living hell.

I had created a prison within my mind full of limiting beliefs about myself (“I am bad,” “I deserve to be punished,” “I’m worthless”), endless self-put-downs (“You can’t do anything right,” “You are such a mess,” “You’re a loser”) and perpetual judgments about others (“People can’t be trusted,” “People are out to get me,” “No one else is like me or can understand me”). Continue reading

I Am ALL That I Am

rp_djwhalKhul.jpgDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. We’re in quite a state of expansion. We’re going to have Mercury going direct although it’ll still be muddy pretty much until our next Spirituality Article so really double and triple check the communications, especially on very important things.

The next thing I want to go through is “I am ALL that I am”. Because the expansion is really sort of telling you ”I am everywhere. I’m so vast, I’m everywhere, I’m everything, I’m everyone, I am ALL that is.” We have such an opportunity to really bask in that realization and to know it in the core of the being.

So practice with “I am ALL that I am” and then feel the expansion into the entire universe like there’s no limit. You can’t find an outer boundary. You are just going, and going, and going, and your consciousness is interconnected to all of creation. That simple expansion practice and the words, “I am ALL that I am”, should be quite useful. Continue reading