Do not limit your full awareness

Do no limit your full awareness.John Smallman – As you are all well aware, humanity is at a major moment of change, a turning point in its spiritual evolution, a massive moment of growth – it’s long planned awakening from unreality – with which it is engaging whole-heartedly as most purposefully intended from the instant in which it appears that separation occurred.

The unreal has always been unreal, but because of your most powerful creative abilities as the divine children of God, it has, from the first instant in which you collectively constructed it, seemed absolutely real, which was your intent in the decision and choice to concoct it. Now you have decided that enough is enough.

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Are You Ready to Take a Stand?

Are You Ready to Take a Stand?AA Michael – Beloved masters, your greatest inborn desire is to return to full God-Consciousness; however, there is still much confusion as to how this is to be accomplished. Many of you are well on your way to becoming cocreative masters of Light once more. It is imperative that you remember: an integral part of your mission on Earth is to share your wisdom with others, after you have integrated and are actively living each new level of en-lighten-ed awareness.

The collective consciousness of humankind within the 3rd-/4th-dimensional environment perpetuates separateness, limitation, and fear, as well as a narrow-focused reality, a rigid outlook. People often have a self-righteous attitude toward beliefs which are in conflict with the popular accepted belief structure. For your better understanding, we will condense and recap some of the more important truths we have given you over the past years. Continue reading

Our Exponential Power

Our Exponential PowerJill Mattson – Take a moment and feel a negative emotion. You can sense the vibrations within it – the slow cycles per second – its pounding and draining energy. It seems below zero point for us. Recall a car stereo with the deep bass subwoofers – again you can hear the pulsing cycles per second by carefully listening; they are slow enough to count.

Contrast that with a soprano voice with vibrations so fast we could never count the pulsing energy of the sound – yet we are aware of the feeling of high pitches and even energy that a fine thought or a loving feeling carries. Continue reading

The Next Wave Is on It

The Next Wave Is on ItBrenda Hoffmann – Many of you are exhausted, stressed, or concerned about minutia. Your underlying concern continues to be earth’s future. But because that concern is so well hidden you react with minor ailments and details you can do little about.

You are returning to outer-directed personal matters because your earth concerns seem too overwhelming to address. Throughout the past decades, years, or months, you diligently followed every road to world peace and love, In doing so, you lost friends, family, jobs, and other important 3D items. Never stopping, never letting go of the need to complete your role of moving you and the earth to peace and love. Continue reading

Soul Tech – Sympathetic Resonance as Next Life Strategy

Soul techClif High – You vibrate in every aspect of your body and in your spirit. Though a constant in your life, this vibration, it is neither constant, nor frequently perceived as a vibration.

Much of the vibration that is within our cells acts as power transmission and turns in to various forms of ‘pulse’. Hearts’ pulse, blood pulses, guts pulse peristalsis’, and even sweat glands pulse; all driven by a vibration that is deeper, more persistent than each. Continue reading