The Next Wave Is on It

The Next Wave Is on ItBrenda Hoffmann – Many of you are exhausted, stressed, or concerned about minutia. Your underlying concern continues to be earth’s future. But because that concern is so well hidden you react with minor ailments and details you can do little about.

You are returning to outer-directed personal matters because your earth concerns seem too overwhelming to address. Throughout the past decades, years, or months, you diligently followed every road to world peace and love, In doing so, you lost friends, family, jobs, and other important 3D items. Never stopping, never letting go of the need to complete your role of moving you and the earth to peace and love.

Despite our ongoing statements that your role is complete, that both you and the earth have shifted dramatically, you beg to differ. The hatred, wars, emotional disconnect, and world fears continue, so you feel you have not done enough. And even though more and more are awakening, their efforts of shifting earth from fear to love seem so pitiful you can no longer imagine the earth becoming a physical or emotional heaven in your lifetime.

So it is you return to yesterday. You want others punished for their misdeeds, for your fears, and for the clamoring of many – you believe – for you to make it better. You are exhausted, angry, and almost beyond the point of caring about what you once believed you could change.

You adapted to your current disconnect by addressing little pieces that seem important at the moment but do not change your belief in the future.

Earth issues feel heavy and unsolvable to you because you no longer have the key to world peace and love. You have completed your role in those areas. You are now outside looking in at world issues.

Those following you will physically change the world by rebuilding it.

So it is the earth will no longer shift because you are demanding, wishing, hoping, or praying for that change. The earth will change because those following are as dedicated to their earth roles as you were to yours.

Do you remember how many questioned your odd New Earth interests before it was obvious to you why you needed to do what you did? Because you are now looking from the outside in, you can no longer determine what actions are necessary to more fully shift the earth from fear to love. Your role in that arena is complete. Those immediately following you will physically shift the earth in the direction you initiated.

Perhaps this message feels as if all you worked for is disappearing, and you cannot do anything about it.

Let us, of the Universes, help you observe the earth differently. You destroyed the structures holding up fear and angst. Those following you are rebuilding the world with processes that seem as hidden as yours were when you initiated your transition.

You want everyone to feel as you do. Yet those following you are not forerunners; they are not you. In essence, those following are of a different generation, so they do not and cannot function as you did.

Your current angst, fear, anger, or whatever unpleasant emotion you are experiencing is for naught. You have not given up or lost anything. You are instead gaining a new world. Allow those immediately following to rebuild the world you patiently destroyed.

Your only role is to deepen your self-love. Those in the third wave need your self-love structures to rebuild themselves. Even though this explanation likely seems convoluted, you are the beginning link of a chain of events that would not have been possible without your decades, years, or months of effort.

Let the second wave take over. Your role is to enhance your self-love, which is not possible if you continue to monitor the efforts of those following you. Allow those following to complete their role without your interference. They are as dedicated and experienced in their earth role as you were in yours.

Relax into yourself. That is your only role. The next generation of change artists, those following you, are diligently doing what they have been trained to do and are doing so as artfully as you did.

Those following you, the second wave, will not fail. Even so, it is likely they will approach the rebuilding of the earth much differently than you would. That is your angst. Trust the next generation of earth shifters as they once trusted you to prepare the rebuild site. So be it. Amen.

Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved.

SF Source Spirit Library Jun 2022

8 thoughts on “The Next Wave Is on It

  1. Hi Admin, I just recently discovered Kerry Cassidy, and via Cassidy I saw her interview with Ashayana Deane.

    Deane’s reports are OUT THERE for a newbie like me, but what’s your take?

    1. Deane’s reports are OUT THERE for an oldie like me 🙂 Seriously, Deane’s work is very complex. However it only represents a small piece of it. You might find the information more easily grasped if you listen to this YT

      Ismael speaks about the same subject matter but does so in a less dense manner than Deane. You can also look up more interviews by him on YT if you wish to get a more in depth view -g

      1. Ha! Can’t believe you referenced Ismael Perez!

        The reason I found Kerry Cassidy was because I watched three interviews with Perez; and several comments on one interview complained about Cassidy’s unfriendliness toward him. That motivated me to search for the interview, which turned out to be the best interview. Cassidy held his feet to the fire, which the others hadn’t.

        Very interesting that you find Perez similar to Deane (which may echo what Cassidy said a couple of times as well). I’ll absolutely watch the interview you linked, and THANKS. After I watched an hour of the six-hour Cassidy/Deane interview I felt like my ‘ascension’ work was utterly pointless! Still unsure what to think.

        Are we integrating the light and winning this? Or are we cooked like dinner? I certainly feel like ‘put a fork in me, I’m done.’

      2. “Are we integrating the light and winning this? Or are we cooked like dinner? I certainly feel like ‘put a fork in me, I’m done.’”

        My answer is two-fold.

        Are we integrating the light?

        Yes. Those of us who seek answers as you do ARE integrating the light and are necessary and vital pieces in the tapestry labeled “winning this.” As should be obvious there is no point in any of this if the goal labeled SUCCESS cannot be achieved. Obviously, as we are now at a KEY decision point in the battle between Light and Dark (for control of Earth’s primary timeline), each and everyone who acknowledges SOURCE and does what is in their power to advance LOVE and HARMONIOUS interaction are ESSENTIAL to victory.

        “Are we cooked like dinner?”

        Unfortunately, many who are more outwardly than inwardly motivated are likely to fall and be “cooked like dinner.” That is inevitable due to the heavy control dark (negative) energy has within the Matrix.

        This critical choice point exists for every incarnate being. Many are awakening as a result of the extreme polarities in play. Those who awaken join the “Light Brigade” and attain the positive (winning) timeline. Others are so trapped they don’t even realize there IS a choice point. Those are the ones who are being “cooked like dinner.” -g

      3. My addendum: I just watched a Cassidy interview that she posted after the Perez interview. If I understood her correctly, she felt that Perez was delivering misleading information, and she took down her interview with him. She didn’t denigrate him personally, but she removed the interview. Interesting times!

      4. Perez utilizes more diverse source material than Ashayana Deane, who is a personal friend of Cassidy. I haven’t listened to the video where Kerry disputes Perez cosmology. However I do know as a result of listening to Deane’s work (and reading it), plus listening to exactly 3 Perez videos, that Perez includes material from the Urantia book, specifically in his representation of how the Cosmos is formed and where the center of everything resides (Havona). His claims to membership in Galactic groups I can neither confirm nor deny, as a probability of this occurring does exist.

        From my perspective no one contains ALL knowledge concerning the Earth experience. Everything presented is a fractal of the whole. Wise individuals pull from multiple sources to form their personal “belief” system. The “belief” system is the result of choices made based on background, environment, and learned experience (awareness). The level of advancement in individual (personal) Source awareness is linked to how well the individual listens to nuanced guidance from within. THAT, ultimately, is the only Voice that matters as it is the One personally known to each within the All. Take what feels right to you from what you’ve learned from these sources. Your view is as valid as theirs and is the right one for you. -g

  2. Hello Brenda, I am always excited to see your new posts. After reading this one I have to admit it takes a little processing. Can you tell me more about the 2nd wave. Are they born here yet or have they already been here for some time.
    Thank you for you!

    1. Hello Mary, glad you receive value from Brenda’s posts. Please contact her directly with your question ‘office @’ (no spaces or quotes) -g

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