Oracle Report – Thursday, December 17, 2015

peaceCrescent Moon in Pisces: persevere, strive

Goddess of Wisdom: Tara, Goddess Who Guides Through Troubles, Dhumavati, Goddess Who Reprocesses Darkness

God of Will/Desire: Elias, God of the West, God of Transformation

Skill: make peace

True Alignments: the inner place of stillness, powers of observation, amazed by nature, acknowledging and appreciating others, the beginning of new potential, talents surfacing, integration, spiritual ceremonies and prayers, balance

Catalysts for Change: rushing ahead without thinking, anti-humanistic, avoiding closeness, too serious to see opportunities that would help, lack of courage, evangelism, propaganda, struggles with mounting responsibilities, imbalance, forcing an issue, stunting growth

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “in winter, people cutting ice from a frozen pond for use in summer”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Solar activity is high as “Galactic Center Week” continues with the Sun lining up with the location in the sky that is the center of our galaxy, from an astrological perspective.

But, also from an astrological perspective, this means that the Earth is directly opposite. So, astrologically speaking, the Galactic Center (GC) and the Sun are in alignment and the energetic is directly focused on Earth. Picture the two things – the Sun and the Center of the Galaxy – coming together and harmonizing, sending that frequency to Earth — to us. The Sabian symbol for the degree of the GC is “the sculptor’s vision is taking form.” This is the frequency of energy that is sent with the conjunction of the Sun and the GC. Continue reading

Oracle Report ~ Wednesday, June 17, 2015

visionNew Moon in Cancer: beginnings, intentions

Goddess of Wisdom: Bagalamukhi (Goddess Who Stabilizes, Goddess of the Power of Words)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: hold to a greater vision

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “winter frost in the woods”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Today, the Sun will travel to make exact opposition with the Galactic Center, the Central Sun of our galaxy. Exact alignment occurs at 5:19 pm ET/9:19 pm UT. This angle happens only one day each year.

The Galactic Center is the hub of our galaxy, and is a place or space or point of limitlessness. It is a sacred place. It opens us up, expanding our perception and understanding. When the Sun comes into this configuration, a massive spiritual energetic is activated.

The vastness of the energy can be daunting, however. The Sabian symbols describe it perfectly. The Sun is located at the degree of the Sabian symbol of “a young gypsy emerging from the woods gazes at faraway cities.” We face the Unknown, which seems limitless under this dynamic. Things can seem insurmountable. Our programmed experience is that the unknown means something bad will happen. Continue reading

Sun Sensuality

“Though we are seeing the potential for harmful events, I am getting the clear message, this energy will not harm us, but wake us up by rewiring our light bodies. The energy is very feminine in nature and so it’s energy is gentle, loving, and direct. This energy has an important purpose and has been planned for in a cosmic sense.” – C Johnston

SunSenualityStarting at the end of October, the sun became more active. We saw the largest sun spot we have experienced in over 25 years sending us some powerful energy, but we did not witness any coronal mass ejections during the many “X and C” class flares. Those who watch these events and are responsible for the electrical grids and our satellites were on high alert because a large enough x-class flare hitting us, can wipe out electrical grids for months and destroy satellites that we depend on.

The sun is conscious and is our “organizing” principle here in the solar system. The sun dictates ,energetically speaking, what takes place in our world. Our sun is currently aligning and having a “rendevous” with the galactic center of our Galaxy. The Ancients such as the Egyptians and Mayans referred to that Galactic Center as our Central Sun, or our Solar Logos. The rare alignment activates our sun, and the sun changes energy and how it interacts with our solar system. The Mayan’s knew this alignment took place and hence why they were able to point to this time in history as a new time. Our sun will change, our solar system will change and so will Earth, and what happens to Earth happens within us.

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The Gnostic Scenario Of The Earth Goddess Sophia

“Writings attributed to ancient seers known as Gnostics describe an outpouring of energy from the center of our galaxy that eventually forms the planet earth. This event and its consequences are recounted in the narrative of the fallen goddess Sophia, whose name means “wisdom.” My summary of this “creation myth” uses a transposition of it mythic features into terms consistent with modern cosmology. Following the summary is an evaluation of what the myth tells us about life on earth, and how it may be corroborated by scientific finding, on the other hand, and mythology, on the other.” ~John Lamb Lash

Galactic Dynamics


Framed in mythological language, this fallen goddess scenario (FGS) describes the core of our home galaxy as a vortex of infinite potential (Pleroma: fullness, plenum) consisting of massive serpentlike entities or torrents. The gods and goddesses of the Pleroma are called Aeons in the Gnostic writings. They are  gendered  male and female to describe different types of dynamic activity, like positive and negative charges of electric current, or the attractive and repulsive poles of a magnet. The Aeons are divine: that is, luminous, radiant, emanating light. They are also alive and intelligent and capable of feeling, perception, and desire, but on the level of cosmic consciousness. From the glossary of Not in His Image:

Aeon: (AY-on) (Greek, “god,” “divinity,” “process,” “emanation,” “time cycle”) Gnostic term for a cosmically pervasive process, aware, animated, and animating. Aeons manifest sensory worlds by dreaming, rather than by the artisanlike act of creation attributed to the biblical father god. Adj., Aeonic.

An Aeon might be envisioned as a massive current of living luminosity capable of sentient response, gesture, speech. The standard metaphor for such energies is “serpent. “The Aeons are serpentine but not reptilian. A snake is a reptile but distinct from a lizard, iguana, chamelion, etc. All things snakey and serpentine ought not to be contaminated by association with the dubious label, “reptilian.” Continue reading

The Collective Heartbeat Of Humanity

Adama through Kata – The shift you as a planet are walking through is huge, biggest ever. Biggest that humans were allowed to witness in this physical embodiment. The whole planet will find its place in a higher level of dimensional reality. All that happens to your beloved Earth, happens to the entire Universe. Huge words yes indeed but it still is the truth and it was hidden for thousands of years from your human eyes aka consciousness.

Now the rising vibration in and around us entitles you to perceive a greater spectrum of reality. You will be surprised how every earthly happening has a major significance on the course of your human history. Yes indeed it is important. It is the peak of this entire transformation period. The period that humanity has been preparing to be ready. And here you are, in your human embodiment, you are the chosen ones to witness it all. Continue reading