Jim Kirwan ~ Flipping The Script

“Based upon the colossal failures of American and Israeli forces for the last 23 years of pointless slaughter in Iraq and elsewhere—Israel created ISIS as a new and “improved” killing machine to ravage the ruins of the war torn world. . .” J Kirwan

FliippingScript1When the real DARKNESS on the planet is cast as REFLECTED LIGHT,
Then it’s time for the entire world to say NO!
When the image above is reversed:
With DARKNESS dominating, that’s exactly
What the West has actually embraced.

The West has labeled the former Darkness which was embodied by Bolshevik Russia under Stalin and the Judaic banks; as what is now represented by Putin and today’s Russia. That’s a massive lie that’s being spread by the Hydra (below) which owns and controls the global media.


In reality that ‘former darkness’ as labeled by the West, is rapidly becoming a new light for freedom. It’s a freedom that is challenging “the End of Life”, as that concept has been engineered and promoted by International Outlaws throughout the New Millennium.

Saying “NO” is not an abstract concept

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