A Republic, If You Can Keep It

A Republic, If You Can Keep ItBrian Parsons – I‘ve been at this punditry thing for some time.  I sit in my humble home office, and I read, and then I read some more.  I keep a curated list of about fifty or so conservative news sites, and they aggregate the latest headlines into a single app in my browser.  I choose not to read the corporate or leftist press because it has become aptly titled #fakenews.

It is nothing more than disseminated propaganda, and unfortunately, at least half the conservative press is as well.  The day after the 2022 midterm elections, it is astonishing how Conservative, Inc. all sang the same preferred narrative straight out of Disney’s “The Mandalorian” regarding Ron DeSantis… “This is the way.” Continue reading

Win with Wisdom

Win with WisdomJ. B. Shurk – The ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus argued, “A man’s character is his fate,” by which he meant that we are all capable of shaping our futures.  It is also true that a nation’s character is its fate and that countries prosper or perish by their own hands.

Taking these two truths together, it is easy to look around today and lose hope about what lies ahead.  Western civilization is in moral peril and spiritual decay.  Increasingly authoritarian political leaders have abandoned Enlightenment principles recognizing the sanctity of individual rights and a social compact ensuring that legitimate government arises only from the “consent of the governed.”

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The Real Threat to Democracy

The Real Threat to Democracy James Gilliland – First we want to point out we live in a Republic with the Constitution as the supreme law of the land, not a democracy. Your government is a service corporation contracted to provide good faith and services to the American people. They have all sworn oaths to protect the people and the original Constitution and act in the highest and best good of the people.

The vast majority of our leadership have broken that oath, became self-serving and have voided the contract. The acting president stated clearly the rights given in the constitution are not absolute and demonstrated it redundantly by the consistent violations of your rights. Freedom of speech, the right to privacy, innocent until proven guilty, right to a fair and speedy trial by one’s peers, and now gun rights are all in jeopardy. Continue reading

Global Governance War For The Future! [Video]

Freedom Or SlaveryCatherine Austin Fitts –  “… when people say, ‘I’m not important.’ Wrong. You’re very important, because if you look where most of the money comes from, it comes from the political control you get, one county at a time and that means…you can harvest everybody and everything now why is it so important to me that every person listening to this can see the control grid that’s operating on you, because when you add CBDCs and Digital IDs – Bam!

That control grid goes from something that is hurting you and me and influencing you and me and tricking you and me to a digital concentration camp right we go from being herded to being under total and complete control to slavery. That’s a huge difference. Continue reading

Why Should Deplorables Fight for Those Who Hate Them?

ruling eliteJ B Shurk – What happens when a self-anointed “ruling class” spends years demonizing its own citizens as racist, white supremacist, deplorable, insurrectionist Neanderthals bitterly clinging to their guns and their Bibles?  What happens when the fools in charge censor dissent and throw their political enemies in prison?  What happens when the political Establishment floods the country with illegal aliens while publicly wishing for the quick “extinction” of those proud to wave the red, white, and blue?

Maybe when those same elitist snob-goblins start beating the drums of war, declare patriotic love of country acceptable once again, and call for deep sacrifices to be made in the interest of preserving freedom, the people most needed to pick up a rifle, fight, and sacrifice life and limb instead turn their backs on those who have relentlessly tormented them.  Maybe America’s real protectors just walk away. Continue reading