Get Rid of Debt Crime & War [Video]

Greg Hunter – Financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts says if you want to have a really good economy, you have to “get rid of debt crime and war.” Fitts says, “Instead of having more debt, more crime and more war, we need to get interested in shifting.  The President is getting very, very frustrated because he is in the machinery, and the machinery has no interest in changing.  If you look at what’s going on, it’s very dangerous.  Many of the people that got him elected are systematically being taken out.”

Still, Fitts thinks President Trump “has done a much better job than I expected considering he has no government experience.” Continue reading

Get Ready For A Likely Market Crash After Election [Video w/ Transcript]

electionsGreg Hunter – Recently, I was fortunate enough to be interviewed by Jim Sinclair and Bill Holter at They wanted to get my take on the state of journalism, or the propaganda mainstream media.  They also wanted to get a read on what many of my guests have been saying over the past several months about what is coming for the economy.

I also got to turn the tables about half way through the interview (38:33) and ask questions of two of the smartest guys in the world on finance, markets and precious metals.

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Obamacare The Ultimate Fraud [Video]

Greg Hunter  October 27 2013

Former Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts says all U.S. citizens are partly responsible for banker fraud.  Fitts, also a top Wall Street Banker, says, “What popular opinion has said again and again and again is it wants the dirty money. . . . It wants the U.S. to play this geopolitical top dog game to the extent it provides subsidy to them.  We can’t have our cake and eat it too. . . . If we have a model that is dependent on crime and fraud . . .  we have to change the model.” Fitts calls what we have today “the Central Banking Warfare Model.”  


It is showing signs of troubles.  Fitts goes on to say, “Are there cracks in the system? Yes.  The more it is obvious the system works off force, the more invasive the force gets and the more push-back there is going to be both globally and domestically.”  What is the big problem with a global financial system that is run by increasing force?  Fitts contends, “The problem is it’s shrinking the pie.  If nobody trusts anybody, how can you have a healthy economy?”  How are our leaders going to handle the poor economy and all the social commitments?

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Old System Struggling and Dying [Video]

USA Watchdog July 31 2013

Money manager Catherine Austin Fitts says, “You are seeing a tug of war between the new system that’s coming up and the old system that’s struggling and dying.” Fitts explains it by saying, “Let’s pretend we have a company called USA, and we create a new company called Breakaway Civilization. We move all of our assets out of USA and put them in Breakaway Civilization. We leave union obligations and pension funds . . . in the old USA economy.”


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Guns Protect Honest People [Video]

USA Watchdog | January 14 2013

Financial expert, Catherine Austin Fitts, says the sudden turn to gun control in the face of mounting financial problems is no accident.  Fitts contends, “Guns protect honest people.  It’s a little scary, the timing of this, and I think a little bit obvious.  Gun control is a way to take away the financial assets of the honest hard working people.”  She goes on to say, “I think there is a real risk here that they’re going to awake the sleeping giant.”  

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