HSBC Hires Kissinger to Help Them Flee The Country

James Corbett – HSBC is the world’s fourth largest bank by assets and a sanctions busting, money laundering bank for terrorists and drug dealers, so it should be no surprise that they have just hired unconvicted war criminal Henry Kissinger to help advise them on fleeing the UK.

You see, HSBC isn’t happy with the current banking environment in the UK. After “suffering” through the outrageous wrist slap of its drug money laundering settlement (equivalent to five weeks of income for the bank), HSBC began a temper tantrum over the UK’s bank levy, a bank tax that was instituted in 2011. Accordingly, last summer the UK government started the phase out of the levy exactly as requested, but added a surcharge on bank profits. This is evidently too much for the banksters, who are now threatening to move their racket to Canada or maybe Hong Kong or somewhere else entirely.

Kissinger_ControlFoodControlPeopleSo it’s only logical for them to turn to Heinz Kissinger, a man who has run from investigators in France, Spain, Chile and Argentina to help advise them on how to flee the country. (Ig)Nobel Peace Prize winner Kissinger is notorious for the war crimes he committed during his tenure as Secretary of State and National Security Advisor under Nixon and Ford. During that time he participated in Operation Condor, drafted a plan for food control genocide, orchestrated the 1973 oil crisis, illegally bombed Cambodia, neo-colonized China and generally acted as a good minion for the New World Order he’s constantly pimping. After all, who else would better understand how to help the HSBC banksters escape the suggestion that they might face the tiniest of consequences for their crimes? Continue reading

Illuminati Defector ‘Mary Ann’ [Audio]

“As the Kennedy assassination and 9-11 prove, the United States (and most countries) have been totally subverted by a Luciferian international criminal elite. The role of politicians, media and education is to keep the sheep deluded and distracted while the elite stealthily advances its goal of world tyranny. Western society today is a massive fraud.” ~H Makow (Illuminati Sex Slaves Paint Horrifying Picture)


Henry Makow’s interview with ex-Illuminati member ‘Mary Anne’ (pseudonym) who was once a ‘political figure of prominence’ working for the Illuminati. Republic Broadcasting Network. Air Date: 09.31.2008.


  • 0:00 Introduction 
  • 0:45 Vernal Equinox 
  • 2:00 Sacrifice Victims, ‘Breeders’, Significance  Continue reading

GeoEngineering And Chemtrails Manufacture Drought

Activist Post  March 24 2014 (Thanks, Kevin)


Since November of 2013, the beginning of the rainfall season, California residents have experienced heavy geoengineering and chemtrail activity almost every day, which has transformed the Golden State, normally an agricultural miracle, into an arid dust bowl.

The sun is out daily, temperatures are well above normal, yet the sky is grey, the horizon is silver, and you often cannot see mountains that are only a few miles away (grey-out). The local weather forecasters say that the forecast is sunny “hazy” or with “high clouds”, which is their (NASA/NOAA) way of saying chemtrails.

Our occult rulers are now openly demonstrating their god-like power over nature. If history is any guide, this manufactured drought will likely be used to create artificial scarcity of water and food. Like oil, diamonds, and utilities, this artificial scarcity will result in increased profits for select corporations and increased government/corporate control over the populace. As Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, and Henry Kissinger knew, populations desperate for food do not often oppose the crimes of their government or hidden power structure behind it.

Humanity and the natural world are under geoengineering attack and our very survival may be at stake.

Geoengineering And Chemtrails Manufacture Drought

Climatologists report that the 2013-2014 rainfall season is well on its way to becoming California’s driest period in more than 400 years. In 2013, California received an average of just over 4 inches of rain. Downtown Los Angeles, which receives nearly 15 inches of rain during a normal year, only got 3.6 inches in 2013. It’s currently California’s driest period since it was granted statehood in 1850.

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The New Plagues – Chips Off An Old Agenda

SDP December 22 2013 – January 4 2014

In 2013 a Florida couple was required by a local statute to dig up a 17-year old garden. It seems their community in Miami Shores decided to make such front yard gardens off-limits. The rule was enacted in May 2013 and gave the couple until August 2013 to remove their vegetables or face fines of $50 a day. They removed the garden.

Elizabeth Renter wryly observes “Lately it seems we’ve been hearing of more and more people being forced to dismantle their vegetable gardens in order to appease city ordinances or homeowner’s association rules. These same policies don’t ban things like pesticides, Christmas lights, or tacky lawn art—just edible landscaping.”

So why the push to regulate food production? Ellen Brown quotes a powerful NWO insider who’s been guiding global policy for decades.  “Control oil and you control nations,” said US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in the 1970s.  ”Control food and you control the people.”

Control food. Not something easily accomplished without a bit of help from science. And, conveniently enough, the new field of genetic engineering emerged in the latter half of the 20th century. Shortly thereafter genetically modified organisms started creeping into the biosphere, organisms purposely altered at the genetic level to feed without nourishing.

Bye Bye American Pie (Hello GMO)

The kill-via-GMO policy was designed to advance globalist aims toward population reduction. “In the ground-breaking 2007 book Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation, William Engdahl states that global food control and depopulation became US strategic policy under Rockefeller protégé Henry Kissinger. Along with oil geopolitics, they were to be the new “solution” to the threats to US global power and continued US access to cheap raw materials from the developing world. In line with that agenda, the government has shown extreme partisanship in favor of the biotech agribusiness industry, opting for a system in which the industry “voluntarily” polices itself. 

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Archon Endgame

Augureye Express July 25 2013


People are finally starting to ask the right questions. “Why are we killing the planet, and ourselves?” Questions such as this invariably lead to the slow, gradual acceptance of the answer, We aren’t, but someone else certainly is, and they are known to us despite generations of hiding in the shadows as they manipulate everything to their advantage, their agenda. For countless generations they have played the long game: dumbing down and distracting the population, as they quietly went about strip mining this planet. You might have noticed how a few years ago most of the pretense and subterfuge fell by the wayside, and those in control became more belligerent and “in our face” about things…hell they are openly boasting about it nowadays. The matriarch of the Rockefeller dynasty recently said “If my boys didn’t want there to be wars, there wouldn’t be any!” How is that for in your face? My point here is simple: we are witnessing the rollout of the Archon Endgame.

My goal here is just to provide a contextual overview, to help folks better understand what they see happening across the planet as our archon overlords continue ramping up the new paradigm for all of us. Certainly we humans are one of the resources of value to the archons or else they would have just terminated the experiment and us along with it. We represent a renewable resource for these slimy and cowardly creatures, but just now there are way too many of us, and that has always been a problem for them. Getting to be an even bigger problem as more of us wake up every day to the ugly, unpleasant reality I speak of.

Population Control

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