Immune Boost

trustDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

This week I want to talk about boosting the immune system and more with energy exercises and certainly you can use supplements and I do recommend those as well. Also colloidal silver is a good prevention to make sure things can’t take hold and you can go to if you want to read more about that.

Now for the immune system, I am going to recommend that you curl the tongue upwards so you’ve got the tip of your tongue sort of on the roof of the mouth but pointing to the back of the head, so you’re curling the tongue, kind of folding it in half if you will, in an upward way.

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Doctor Claims The Immune System Can Recover In Only 15 Seconds! Here’s How!

coldProf. Sergei Bubnovskiy from Moscow has an innovating new technique that can strengthen your immune system in an amazing new way!

According to the professor, soaking your legs in an ice-cold bath for 10-15 seconds after coming home from work can reinforce your immune system and prepare it for the fight against colds and the flu!

Also, a study from England found that taking daily cold showers increased the numbers of disease-fighting white blood cells (compared to people who took hot showers).

The investigators at Britain’s Thrombosis Research Institute suggested that as the body tries to warm itself during and after a cold shower, metabolic rate speeds up and activates the immune system, which leads to the release of more white blood cells.

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8 Foods That Boost Your Immune System

immuneDr. Edward Group – If you’re looking for an immune system boost, the right vitamins and minerals can help. Although diet gets little attention in conventional media when it comes to supporting the immune system, it is one of the most powerful methods for keeping colds and other illnesses at bay. Nutrition isn’t the only means of immune system support but it is one of the oldest and most reliable natural approaches.

The 8 Best Foods for Your Immune System

The majority of your immune cells reside in your intestines, so doesn’t it make sense to consume healthy foods for keeping your immune system top notch? Here are 8 foods you can eat right now to boost your immune system.

1. Bell Peppers

Reach for all the bell peppers you want because they can actually have twice as much vitamin C as citrus fruits. In addition, bell peppers are a great source of beta-carotene, which not only helps maintain healthy skin and eyes but studies suggest they could also provide an immune system boost. [1] [2]

2. Citrus

Citrus fruits are packed with vitamin C. Believed to increase the production of white blood cells, C is essential for fighting off infections. Since your body doesn’t produce or store this vitamin, load up on citrus to help keep your immune system up and running. Supplementation with the vitamin may be helpful, but it’s always best to receive the vitamin from its natural source. Continue reading

Immune Support Tonic – Delicious Natural Recipe!

immuneAlex ‘Earthie Mama’ Du Toit – Your immune system is your body’s defense mechanism against viruses and infections. While it’s healthy for your immune system to flex its muscles every now and then, we live in an increasingly toxic world, so it’s important that you know how to naturally support your immunity, and your family’s. (Anyone who has children knows that keeping them healthy and vital can be a full time job!)

Thankfully, Mother Nature has provided us with many perfect ways to keep the whole family happy and healthy. And today, I’m going to share with you my all-natural Immune Support Tonic recipe! The powerful ingredients in this natural tonic combine to support and uplift the immune system. It’s easy to make at home — and it’s delicious. The primary ingredient is the pleasant tasting Elderberry, which is why children of all ages love this tonic.

Forget the pharmaceutical stuff — everyone should have a large bottle of this in the medicine cabinet.

Ingredients That Boost Immune System

The Elderberry Continue reading

Lisa Kilgour, RHN ~ How Your Digestion Controls Your Immune System

“Signs that your immune system is out of balance are: food and seasonal allergies, chronic inflammation, chronic sinusitis, and colds and flus that linger for weeks.” – L Kilgour

You are 90% bacteria.

Let that sink in for a second… Just think: for every cell in your body, you have 9 cells of bacteria living in and on your body. It can be a little creepy if you think about it too much.

Most of your bacteria is living inside your intestinal tract, otherwise known as your “gut.” The health of this organism is paramount to the health of your body. Why, you ask?

80% of your immune system spends most of its time around your gut. The health of your gut bacteria and the health of your immune system are vitally linked. When your gut bacteria is balanced, your immune system is also balanced. But when it’s out of balance, so is your immune system.

Signs that your immune system is out of balance are: food and seasonal allergies, chronic inflammation, chronic sinusitis, and colds and flus that linger for weeks.

Food sensitivities are a major sign and cause of an immune system imbalance. Food, specifically undigested protein, looks just like a virus or bacteria and our immune system creates an antibody to it. We see this in life-threatening reactions like anaphylactic shock to nuts or shellfish. We can also have a much quieter, non-life threatening reaction to a food (undigested protein), which can over-stimulate our immune system and lead to seasonal allergies, eczema, and many inflammatory conditions. These are usually referred to as food sensitivities. What I’ve seen over and over again in my practice is that once we discover the foods that you aren’t digesting properly you can gain control over allergies, eczema, and many inflammatory conditions. Continue reading