Change Your Thought Dimension

Enlightening Life | August 6 2012

DimensionI bought a new computer last week, even though it’s Mercury retrograde and you aren’t supposed to buy electronic items at that time. But with the back to school sales and a tax free weekend, the price was perfect so I took the plunge. And I got a Mercury retro gift – I paid the same amount for my new as for my old one that I bought 5 years ago. Now I don’t like buying new computers because I get very used to my work equipment. It’s familiar, I have it all set up the way I like, and a new computer means doing that all over again. But my current computer runs so slowly that it’s impacting my productivity, its 80 GB hard drive is nearly full, it doesn’t have enough RAM to run many applications or internet pages and it’s slowing me down. So I had to change my thoughts, embrace the need for change and get a new one (moving me into a new dimension of technology).

I could have bought a new computer a few years ago but I didn’t need one as badly then and to be honest, I have gotten used to how slowly my old computer runs. Yes it impacts my productivity and it’s frustrating, but over time I have learned how to deal with it (sometimes by just shutting it down).  So I’m sure that once I see how much faster the new computer is I’ll wonder why I put up with the old one for so long. There’s a short answer to that, I don’t like change. The longer answer is I got used to the way things were. And this is what we do to resist change until the need for it becomes so overwhelming that we don’t have any other choice.  No matter how much we want change, though, the dimension and vibration we want to be in have to match our thoughts because it is our thought energy that creates our reality.

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What You Hear Depends On How You Listen

Enlightening Life | July 23 2012

CommunicationOne thing I have stressed in many articles about Indigo and Crystal children is how important it is to communicate with them. And this extends beyond talking, it is actually more focused on listening and knowing what to listen to and for. As a rule, Indigos don’t talk much and don’t like to talk about themselves so what they do share becomes very important, especially when we’re dealing with children who are depressed, using drugs, looking for their life path or are at risk. It can be very easy to assume that because they don’t talk they don’t have anything to say or don’t want to talk to us but that’s not true, we just need new listening skills.

I remember listening to conversations between my children and their friends and although they never seemed to say much to each other, what little they did say appeared to have a big impact. When I asked my son about it, he said ‘Mom, I know what he wants to say.’ So, what do your children want to say that they don’t have the words for? In my experience, the call frequency says a lot. If I hear from them more than once a week, there’s a problem and I ask about what’s going on in their life instead of waiting for them to get around to telling me. If they talk about how upset they are with world events, I ask what’s upset them recently. And if they ask about me a lot, they miss me and need some mothering.

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What Are You Responsible For?

Enlightening Life | May 7 2012

EnergyWe know that our reality is entirely our responsibility. What is in it, how it unfolds, what we create and what we allow, tolerate and accept all reflect how we use our energy in the creation of each step of our life journey. But we have expanded the definition and scope of responsibility to include another aspect which makes being responsible a struggle and a burden to the point that we are willing to relinquish our power because we can’t face the responsibility we think goes along with it. The aspect we have added to responsibility is obligation, and it is an aspect of the martyred healer paradigm and a heavy burden indeed.

When we confuse responsibility with obligation we believe that we are required to not only see and feel energy, but we also have to transform it. And to some extent that is true. We are here to transform energy, but it’s our energy we need to transform, not that of others. We are here to empower ourselves and be an example of the light of God. The belief in obligation inspires us to literally take on the sins of the world and turn them into blessings. And then to also take on the energies of others and bless them too. Then we take on everyone’s opinion of us and try to make ourselves responsible for proving them wrong. And at some point we just stop because it’s too hard and we feel powerless.

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Self Consciousness

Enlightening Life | March 26 2012

consciousnessThe self plays an important role on the Path of Consciousness because it is through the self and its many different aspects that we are aware of our emotional, energetic and vibrational reality. Through awareness of the material self, our third dimensional, human self aspect, we are aware of our disconnection, fear and alone-ness in a vast Universe that we cannot control. But that is an illusion which lacks the element for transformation, enlightenment. To become conscious within our highest self aspects we can ‘enlighten’ the self, reminding us of our divinity and joining our human self into our spiritual self.

From the human perspective, being self conscious is where we are uncomfortable, recognize where we don’t fit in, are lacking in some way and are powerless, uncentered and grounded in a reality that lacks a foundation of spiritual truth. Through this type of self consciousness we see every fault and imperfection and how they are reflected in our reality. Being self conscious reminds us of our humanity and of how far removed we are from our divinity. This is our most powerless aspect and yet it is the one we use most often to interpret and navigate the world and our place in it.

But when we consider the many different aspects of the self, all of which can be expressed as different levels of consciousness, we can choose what we will be aware of and can then apply enlightenment to those areas. Are we weak and afraid? Enlightenment will release our fear and give us courage. Are we feeling undeserving and unworthy? Enlightenment will remind us that we are deserving and worthy of abundant, limitless blessings. Are we feeling unloved? Enlightenment reconnects us to our inner source of unconditional love and empowers us to be loving with ourselves, which attracts love to us.

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Bless and Release

Enlightening Life | March 18 2012

This is the Archangel Uriel channeled message for March 19, 2012

The process of transformation begins when you are aware of your dissatisfaction or unhappiness with your current reality. Energetically this has already happened for you in spirit at your highest levels of being, and as it begins to enter the density of your physical, mental and emotional awareness, you can either step into judgment or look for places to release energy. If you judge the situation you are empowering your fear. If you bless and release it, you embrace the new energies that are possible for you and allow transformation to occur.

Transformation occurs with the release, through energetic disconnection and closure, of what no longer serves your highest good and ascension path. In spirit this is a natural process and allows ascension to occur effortlessly. Ascension is a movement of energy from lower to higher levels, it is an awakening of your divinity and a re-connection of the human and divine within you. But within the density of humanity it is an opportunity for judgment and fear, of assuming a level of completion that may not be a potential for a situation. Your ego wants to be successful, in joy and at peace with every situation. Sometimes you must simply bless and release.

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