Healing Herbs You Can Grow This Spring

grow herbs at homeNick Polizzi – Planting an herb garden is the perfect way to bring in the spring, and we humans have been doing it for thousands of years.

Putting our hands in the soil nourishes something deep within us, and there is now scientific evidence that gardening holds a number of measurable health benefits. The data shows that tending to flowers and simply being in nature can calm anxiety, lift symptoms of depression and lower blood pressure!

Not to mention the amazing flavor and nutrients that fresh garden-goodies bring to every meal. Continue reading

Items That’ll Help You Sleep Better During a Business Trip

sleep better on business tripSome people sleep like babies no matter where they are, while others of us have a hard time slumbering in a strange place.

If you fall into the second category, it can make going on business trips a bit difficult. Since you need to be on your top game traveling for work, tossing and turning all night is extra stressful.

Choosing the best lodging destination is a must for light sleepers. Heavy traffic, uninsulated walls, and other distractions result in serious declines in productivity. Continue reading

How To Make Lavender Lemonade To Get Rid Of Headaches And Anxiety

Flavoring lemonade with lavender is a great way to utilize its amazing medicinal properties, It is lavendera wonderful aromatic herb that calms the senses.

Pure lavender essential oil is good to use for health and wellness. It’s among the gentlest of essential oils and one of the most powerful, making it a favorite for its healing properties  Lavender oil  has a chemically complex structure with over 150 active constituents, which explains its effectiveness.

DIY Lemonade with Lavender Essential Oil

Ingredients Continue reading